Dealer Contact Info

I was just on the AMX website looking to see if my company had been added and now I can't find the dealer locator. Everything I find links to a page that lists AMX and Rep contact info, but nothing about dealers. What am I missing?
As of March 1st, AMX no longer lists U.S. Authorized Dealers or Independent Programmers on due to administrative reasons. Customer inquiries will continue to be directed to dealers though AMX Rep/Direct offices.
This is very sad and I can't see any reasoning behind it?
AMX needs good independent programmers but it seems they can't see the need when it comes to helping these programmers get work. They need to take a better look at the situation!
Kevin D.
And yes - it would be nice if the ACE certification my dealership worked so hard to get was rewarded with some mention on the site...
- Chip
No kidding?! I've almost worn out my three polo shirts... Shouldn't we get new ones after passing the re-cert tests?!
- Chip
-mmmm new shirt
Hey, I just noticed that we no longer rank as members but are 'registered'.(not that it really meant much) Oh well, just one of many changes to come. :eek:
Not to worry - we upgraded the AMX Forums yesterday, and there are still some small details to tweak before they are completely back to normal. Your previous user titles should work now. If you run into any troubles with the forums, please email me at
Originally posted by Spire_Jeff
...the real reason I got the Designer cert was for more free t-shirts
Quote from Chip;
No kidding?! I've almost worn out my three polo shirts... Shouldn't we get new ones after passing the re-cert tests?!
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Btw, you have to get a score of 350 or higher to be considered "really nice".
Could I interest you in some brightly coloured Canadain bills.