Input from panel
In programmer 2 we were shown how to recieve input from the panel as one string. I am trying to remember how to do it. I opened up my programs from training to double check but stillnothing. My keypad is setup as text entry and is working. They show up in the text entry box correctly. But when I press done it clears the box but does not send anything to the master. If I remeber correctly it should show up in the notifications tab with a 'keyp-1234'. The notifications are turned on. Any ideas or am I forgetting to do something?
Set up a data_event[dvTP_1] and parse data.text
Having something like that will enable you to see the string come back and you can add your parsing in that string event.
Is this something new? I know I've seen this as of late, but I could have swore that this was not always the case. I spent the longest time, looking at the port, watching it blink - and looking at notifications to only see NOTHING! I spent at least 30-45 minutes trying to figure out what was wrong.