Time Updates on Devices
in AMX Hardware
Could someone explain how the current time is updated on devices?
When DST started, my master picked up the correct time, but my R4s and ENV-VST-Cs stayed at standard time.
Must I manually send time commands to these devices?
Could someone explain how the current time is updated on devices?
When DST started, my master picked up the correct time, but my R4s and ENV-VST-Cs stayed at standard time.
Must I manually send time commands to these devices?
I could be wrong, but I think those devices pick up time from the master and not the internet per se. I don't know what the time command is as I don't have it at hand. However, i think it's the same as setting the master in code.
something akin to SEND_COMMAND <device number>,"'CLOCK ',DATE_MESSAGE,' ',TIME_MESSAGE"
If the master e.g. is synced by a time server, all Moderos would be updated automatically. Same if you adjust time and/or date on a Modero, the master will change, and will then update all other panels.
This will also work on MIO-R4 remotes, because they also communicate by ICSP protocol.
AXlink based devices not get the time from/to master automatically. They had a battery buffered clock, which could be set by command (can't remember the syntax, too long ago... ;-) )
I'm not sure about the ENV-VST.
R4s don't update time change automaticlly.
You have to go in to setup and GET TIME.
My test R4 updated automatically. However I have rebooted my master quite a few times, perhaps that triggered it to update? I definitely did not have to manually update it, and it changed for daylight savings.
Is the firmware up to date? I'm still running firmware which is one release behind on one of my home R4's and if I go into the setup pages, move the time forward by an hour and hit "Set Time" it updates but when I come back later on it has gone back to the previous time. Not sure if this is addressed in the latest firmware...