NXT-1700 Touch Tracking Off
in AMX Hardware
Anyone having issues with NXT-1700 button target areas being off? I have two brand new touchpanels on my desk and even after calibrating them countless times (both with my finger and with the official AMX touchpanel "stylus") all the buttons in the horizontal center of the panel have target areas that are way way off. On the left 1/3rd and right 1/3rd of the panel, it's pretty close. If I hook up a mouse or connect via VNC, the buttons work perfectly so it seems to be a calibration issue between the overlay and the hardware. I've called tech support but since we don't have "support" they won't even talk to me. Just posting here to see if anyone has seen this or knows if it's a known issue or any info.
If your customer complains about not having their TPs on time just tell them that AMX doesn't provide free support for their products unless you meet a quota first.
While your're waiting for a response for your RMA request you could try a firmware reload although you probably already have.
Try the advance exchange so you keep your TPs until their replacements arrive.
Anyway, just get AR and you should be fine. Nothing YOU can do about it at this point.
Can you post your pages. Or at least a stripped down pages that shows your touch not working well.
Please include firmware version and serial number too.
Tru dat!
I can't tell you how many times this forum has saved my bacon.
But, I've always understood the venue in which all advice is given or taken on the board.
and don't get me wrong... I like when AMXers chime in to help.
I was just teasing them a bit for breach of policy. (a little rebellion now and then is a good thing)
I'm uploading a video right now that I just took, starting with me calibrating the panel and then showing where the issue occurs. I will post the link when it is done.
Does it do the same thing on other panel files? Could you have hit some upper limit on the number of buttons? That's a lot of buttons!
If I remember correctly, the OOTB demo on the second panel had the same issue when I first turned it on (I had been working on the first 1700 for a while before grabbing the second one). I can make a panel file with 10 buttons and test it in the morning, but I'm almost certain I will see the same result. Like I said, I can hook up a USB mouse or VNC into the panel and the target areas for each and every button is correct. After recalibrating the panel, it seems the offset gets worse from left to right. So, whenever the button presses from the overlay are being translated to coordinates, it seems like the math is off either in the calibration code or in the event code or I could be totally wrong and need to shut up and let engineering fix it.
Thanks guys!
More of a question for the Engineering guys that answered here, do we RMA? The two that I have show the problem. I believe we have 3-4 more on site and I've already called to have them test those.
Sure. That shouldn't be a problem. The panels need a simple hardware mod to be brought up to the latest rev'd board version. These are just a couple that fell through the cracks.