TPControl iPhone/iTouch Programs/Interfaces
Posts: 861
I thought it would be nice to start a thread with some nice examples of TPControl integration.
There was somebody that was creating some sort of interface template to match the TPControl app with a "real" iPod app, and I would like to see that
I myself "hate" the fact that I can't scroll through pages like on a regular iPod app, so I came up with a solution.
The example .apw file I attached is pretty simple, but it shows what can be achieved There are 2 hidden multi-state bargraphs. One for "left to right" scrolling, and one for "top to bottom" scrolling. I think the rest is self-explanatory.
I think it's kinda nifty and it works great on my 1st generation iTouch!
Have fun with it!
I thought it would be nice to start a thread with some nice examples of TPControl integration.
There was somebody that was creating some sort of interface template to match the TPControl app with a "real" iPod app, and I would like to see that
I myself "hate" the fact that I can't scroll through pages like on a regular iPod app, so I came up with a solution.
The example .apw file I attached is pretty simple, but it shows what can be achieved There are 2 hidden multi-state bargraphs. One for "left to right" scrolling, and one for "top to bottom" scrolling. I think the rest is self-explanatory.
I think it's kinda nifty and it works great on my 1st generation iTouch!
Have fun with it!
This uses levels as well. turn on the function map to see where they are onscreen.
Hi Yuri,
You must of been one of the lucky one that got the TPControl integration but some of us missed out.
And its nice if you have the Updated of TPD4 for the iPhone/iPod Touch.
Any help on getting the software to me. Haha.
There haven't been any problems with TPTransfer for me
I have considered this, but just wanted to see how far we could take this app. Plus, it's great for a demo feature if we're trying to show it off to a potential customer.
It ends up that there's some kind of issue with the firewall or whatnot. I first tried this at my home system. So, the wifi is the same. However, at home I run my Netlinx stuff on a VM on a Mac Mini. When I took the same file to a real PC on the network, it worked fine. I suppose I'll neeed to tweak on the VM a bit. Who knows what kind of black magic goes on when trying to split out that NIC card...
And, yes... They definitely need to be on the same network. I've tried testing it on several systems where the client wants outside access and this seems to be a bit of an issue. As is usually the case, speed is an issue.
If you can put the network card on the VM into bridged mode, it should work. I use parallels and I found that I need to be in bridged mode for both Lutron and TPTransfer to work.