Escient Fireball Module V5_0_1

I have this module working (with a McIntosh MS300, same thing more or less) but I can not get the search to work at all.
I am using the same codes from the UI included in the module download from Escient but I get nothing. No "Not found" even.
Is there some trick to it that I don't know?
I have also looked at the sample code and UI provided by Vining which has different channel codes on the keyboard but on first glance the module code looked the same. I tried the other channel codes but still no luck.
I am using the same codes from the UI included in the module download from Escient but I get nothing. No "Not found" even.
Is there some trick to it that I don't know?
I have also looked at the sample code and UI provided by Vining which has different channel codes on the keyboard but on first glance the module code looked the same. I tried the other channel codes but still no luck.
I got it working by using the modified module that was posted by Vining and changing channel codes to match his TP design.
For anyone who is just starting on Escient or McIntosh servers look for the module that Vining posted, it will save you some time.
Also, here's one that took me some time to figure out (there was no documentation with the code that I got from Escient and it is sparsely commented):
INTEGER iTP_FB[2] = { 1,1 }
The numbers are which unit you are controlling and the array positions correspond to your UI's.
For example if you have 2 servers and 2 touch panels and want the 1st TP to control the 1st server and the 2nd TP to control the second server then initialize the array as such:
INTEGER iTP_FB[2] = { 1,2 }
Where did you find that code? I got a PM a few hours ago asking about Escient code and quite frankly I don't remember anything about it. If you can find where it was posted and add a link to your post then maybe my PM-er can find it too. Otherwise I'll need to look through my files and try to find the most recent version of it. Until I read this I couldn't figure out why anyone would PM me about Escient since I don't really even like it, I've rarely used it and don't recall posting any code for it but...... actually I'm getting flash backs of a blue TP background and some goofy crap the original module was doing.
The UI looks pretty much like Escients version only blue instead of gold. The module from Escient as far as I can tell didn't handle any search functions at all. I don't know if you added that code or if you found a different version that I did. I can send it to you or to the PM'er if you want.
Oh, and thank you for the code! I grabbed just about everything you posted even though I know much of it is for components that I will never use, but then again I never thought I would be controlling a McInstosh server (customer already owned it and wants it on the panel.)
I have a few more modules to post regardless of my AMX dealer status since with my small volume they'll never get the air time I'd like then to get and the idea of spending 100's of hour writing modules that only I can use in a few jobs just seems like of waste of time and somewhat good code. I have new modules for the Vortex Box (slimserver squeezebox), Cisco switches (for Just Add Power's HDMI over IP), the Denon TU604 six slot tuner (am/fm, XM/sirius, HD & DAB) and a couple of others. Maybe I can provide them exclusively to the other lowly bronze dealers who otherwise are getting the shaft, no equality in technical assistance or useable modules that they were promised when signing up with AMX. Among other things that my REP at the time promised or said I would be provided. And who knows maybe if I didn't have to write all my own modules I could have spent more time drumming up more business and subsequently selling more AMX gear so the way I see it, it's their fault I'm only a bronze dealer.
Anyway I sent you a PM with the email of the PMer looking for that module so that I don't have to bother trying to scrounge it up. I don't think that would have been one of the modules I would have been dumping though since it was only a modification of an exisiting code but who knows, I sure don't recall and didn't find it in the Modpedia section.