Forum Comment Window

Usually when I post or edit a comment and I'm in the text entry window my cursor acts erractic at times and jumps around. If I leave the window and then return I often have a hard time trying to get my cursor to the point that I left off and if I move my cursor around outside the text entry field the text already in the box scrolls erractically but I think this only occurs when there's more text then what fits into a single window and the scroll bar appears. I often have to use the arrows to get my cursor to where I need it since hovering makes the text move around and I'm not fast enough to keep up. 
It's very annoying so could you look into a fix on your end cuz I don't think it's a problem on my end but who knows, it could be but I never had an issue until the forum got updated.

It's very annoying so could you look into a fix on your end cuz I don't think it's a problem on my end but who knows, it could be but I never had an issue until the forum got updated.
I have been unsuccesful.
Also operating system, browser version.
when it does this the cursor seems to be erratic and jump all over the place.
Can you confirm this occurs when you have more text in the box and the scrollbars appear?
I am seeing some issues with XP and IE8 but not on 7
I'm running Windows 7 Pro on the two machines and IE.
I'm sending this message on a Mac with and Safari Version 5.0 (5533.16)
I'll try and type a bunch here and see what happens.
One Hen
Two Ducks
Three Squawking Geese
Four Limerick Oysters
Five Corpuline Porpoises
Six Pairs Of Don Alfonzos Tweezers
Seven thousand Macedonians in full battle array
Eight brass Monkeys from the ancient sacred crypts of Egypt.
Nine sympathetic, diabetic old men on roller skates who persist in procrastination on sloth.
Ten denizens of the deep who hall-stall around the quo, quay and quivvy all at the same time.
Now, here it seems to be behaving.
It's working normally.
'tis a mystery...
As I've said before it does appear to be related to the presence of the scrollbar and usually acts up more if I actually use the scroll bar. At times the scrollbar jitters and other times it flutters.
Steps I did:
1) Type a long post
2) Preview the post
3) Move the cursor out of the message text box then back into the text box
4) Highlight the text by left-clicking the mouse and dragging the cursor down, causing the message text box to automatically scroll downward.
5) Continue highlighting all the way to the last character.
6) Release the left-click button
7) Text box will jump upwards
8) Trying to scroll gets wierd... although this time it wasn't like past times where it does what Vining described.
Some text in-between
1) Type or edit a post long enough to allow scrolling up and down.
2) Scroll down to the bottom of the post.
3) Scroll up one or two lines using either your mouse scroll wheel or by clicking the scroll bar.
4) When you try to place your cursor in a specific place, the text will scroll quickly when you click and your cursor will end up in a different spot.
Another way:
1) Type or edit a post long enough to allow scrolling up and down.
2) Scroll down to the bottom of the post by clicking and dragging the scroll bar down.
3) Move your mouse pointer into and out of the text box and the text will scroll upward a few lines each time the mouse pointer goes from out of the text box to a place within the text box.
Thanks for your patience.