Lamp Hour Reports are showing only one of 30 rooms online
When I run a lamp hour report, I only ever get info on a single room in the database. No matter what options I try, it always reports back that same single room. All of our users see this.
Any ideas? We are running the latest RMS on Server2008
Any ideas? We are running the latest RMS on Server2008
I've seen this issue happen if RMS calculates the average lamp hour usage to be a negative value. If the average is a negative value then that venue doesn't show up in the reports.
Not sure how exactly RMS calculates the average from the stored parameter data though.
In our case I assume it's due to some erroneous values being occassionally reported back from the projectors which then results in a negative value appearing in the math, which is a condition that isn't accounted for in the calculations and breaks the report generation.