All Escient products discontinued
I was hearing some rumors, so I decided to look into them, and in their announcements section on there is a notice that D&M Holdings (who owns Escient, as well as Marantz, Snell, and Denon) is completely discontinuing the product line. I suppose they acquired them just for the technology rights. Warranty repairs and customer service are still available (it wasn't clear if non-warranty service is going to be provided, will find out soon enough since I have one that needs fixing).
I have to wonder if this means we will be seeing a Marantz or Denon media server in the near future using whatever tech rights D&M got with the Escient brand. It always seemed a shame to me that Escient, being one of the first out there with a consumer-level server, dropped the ball so conclusively ... frankly the product was just awful in recent years in terms of reliability.
I have to wonder if this means we will be seeing a Marantz or Denon media server in the near future using whatever tech rights D&M got with the Escient brand. It always seemed a shame to me that Escient, being one of the first out there with a consumer-level server, dropped the ball so conclusively ... frankly the product was just awful in recent years in terms of reliability.
Plus considering D&M bought Escient in 2003, I don't think you can say they bought them for rights. Plenty of Escient products came in those 7 years. Ultimately it was the complete failure of their last product (the Vision DVD server) that brought them down.
FWIW, D&M closed Snell at the same time.
Kevin D.
Actually, I spent my Christmas vacation flat on my back with a fever, and only got back to work Wednesday ... but I haven't actively been following the Escient saga. It just happens that I own one, and mine died over the holidays. When my service guy told me their old service center was closed and they referred him to a new one was when I looked into it.