Multiple classrooms controlled by one NetLinx Master
I'm trying to evaluate RMS ClassroomManager right now, but I'm having difficulty determining exactly how to register multiple classrooms being controlled by a single master.
It it always recommended that each room use it's own master controller. In the event that a system is already installed and\or cannot be redesigned, it is possible to use a single master controller to run multiple rooms and have those rooms show up separately in RMS. It's simply a matter of running multiple instances of the RMS module on a single master controller. Each room will still need its own RMS asset\scheduling license(s). Pay close attention to the cpu usage of the master if you try this to make sure that you are not overloading the NetLinx master's processing ability. The number of rooms you can run on a single master depends completely on how complex the loaded code is.
You can now simply drag-n-drop the assets (devices) that get registered to the correct locations (rooms) in the web user interface.
See press release for more information on RMS Enterprise:
Is there any documentation on this yet ? I looked at the AMX Uni course on it however it barely tickled the sides of the features that were rumoured to be in the pipeline.
Am I correct in thinking that RMS Enterprise = RMS 2020 ?
Also the press release gives a link which points to RMS 3.3.
(The name "RMS 2020" was an early product preview name, but is not the official product name)
We have communicated the press release link issue to the proper internal department. Thanks!
The product documentation is not yet available, but will be available on product launch. Training and documentation is actively being developed/finalized.
This is not always clear cut however.
We have one venue which is technically a large single room with two sets of partitions, allowing it to be partitioned in up to four ways. At either end there is a projector and touch panel, and a multi speaker sound system.
The sound system expands / contracts / divides depending upon the state of the partitions.
So, from a control perspective, what would be the recommended installation and why ?
You could have seperate masters but then would require some master-to-master 'so as the left hand knows what the right hand is doing'. Could have a single master and a single RMS instance, or a single master and multiple RMS instances...