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TP3 web interface - java logo "bug"

Hello all,

im testing a system with a TP3 interface that is loaded onto ni3100 (web interface).
I see it on the web page of the controler but when i click on it i get a new page and just Java logo spinning around?

Please help :)



  • Wrong version of Java installed on your PC, you need an old version (sure which version is mentioned in a post here somewhere).

    This function is no longer supported by AMX and is flaky at best...
  • Hi,

    I am not a programmer but I work with and troubleshoot a lot of older AMX systems that, though no longer supported, still need to be supported!

    If I give you incorrect information, I apologise but this has worked for me previously.

    Java version I believe you need is 1.4.2_07.

    Uninstall all other versions, then install the one above, then update.

    But there's more - telnet into the device and run the command "set queue size" you will see 15 parameters. (NB, I assume you can actually run this command - there may be a firmware update required before you can see it)

    Set them all to a default of 2000.

    Then run the command "set duet mem". If you can, set the memory to 8m.


    I was told this trick by the person who took me through AMX Programmer 1 at an Infocomm show. It has repeatedly worked to solve the spinning Java icon.

    And yes, G3 is flaky.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    The setting of Netlinx Duet memory will have no impact whatsoever on how the java runs on the PC doing the web client. Seriously, none.

    The compatible java needed is on the PC. Nothing you do on the NetLinx will help. The NetLinx does not supply the java for the pc.

    You CAN find old versions of java and replace the current one on the PC with the 7 year old version, and the web client will work. Of course, many modern web sites and java utilities will fail, and automatic updates will try to wipe your old version out again. Other things may also fail that relate to the java infrastructure.

    It's really not worth it, certainly isn't commercially feasible, but if it's a hobby or to prevent spending actual money and you have the time, play on. If you get 100% success in running the client, you will find it slow, buggy and locking up frequently, and only supporting 95% of the G3 command set, or about 10% of what a G4 does.

    I've set up probably 100 of these web clients for customers and for dealers while they were supported. They were get-by at best even then. The bar has been raised a few hundred percent since then.
  • Web Control


    ich schreibe mal in deutsch, sonst kann ich es nicht erklären :-)

    Web Control funktioniert auch weiterhin noch, bei mir seit Jahren und auch nach jedem Java update!
    Wichtig ist das explizit die Microoft Java abgeschaltet ist.
    Das ist im IE Explorer einzustellen.
    Es ist auch richtig das zuerst eine alte Java Version installiert werden muss,
    z.B. diese : 1.4.2_07
    Dann kann man im TPDesign 3 eine HTML Seite erstellen.
    Bitte keine aufwändigen Grafiken oder sogar Pop up Seiten verwenden,
    das funktioniert aus meiner Erfahrung oft nicht.

    Die genauen Einstellungen kann ich gerne nachsehen und posten!
    Verwenden würde ich es aber trotzdem nicht für einen Kunden,
    höchstens für private Nutzung.

    Grüße Andre
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    Translated for other readers...

    Here's that last post, translated to English more or less. You'll get the idea.

    I would not write can explain once in German, otherwise I it: -)

    Web Control has functioned also further yet, with me for years and also after every java update! Importantly that is disengaged is explicitly the Microoft javas. That is to be adjusted in the IE explorer. It is installed will must also correctly the first one old java version, for example this: One can generate 1.4.2_07 then in the TPDesign 3 a HTML side. Please no costly graphics or even pop of up sides use, that often does not function out of my experience.

    I can look over and post the exact attitudes gladly! Using would not become I it however nevertheless for a customer, at most for private utilization.

    Grüße Andre
  • kennethkkennethk Posts: 86

    I didn't get it!! :)

    Kenneth K
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    My take:
    >I would not write can explain once in German, otherwise I it: -)
    If I could write this in anything but German I would.

    >Web Control has functioned also further yet, with me for years and also after every java update!
    I've used Web Control for years, through all the Java updates.

    >Importantly that is disengaged is explicitly the Microoft javas. That is to be adjusted in the IE explorer.
    You have to not use the JAVA that IE uses.

    >It is installed will must also correctly the first one old java version, for example this: One can generate 1.4.2_07 then in the TPDesign 3 a HTML side.
    If you substitute the old Java 1.4.2_07, you can still use TPD3 to make the HTML.

    >Please no costly graphics or even pop of up sides use, that often does not function out of my experience.
    Avoid detailed graphics and popups as they don't function in my experience.

    >I can look over and post the exact attitudes gladly! Using would not become I it however nevertheless for a customer, at most for private utilization.
    I can overlook the problems for my own use but would not use it for a customer.
  • kennethkkennethk Posts: 86
    Not as funny as google translate, but i got it!!

    Thanks John and Andre!

    Kenneth K
  • kennethkkennethk Posts: 86
    Niet zo grappig als Google Translate, maar ik heb het! Bedankt John en Andre!

    Kenneth K
  • Your Problem is solved? What have you done to make it work?
    Yes google translate is the Best!!!
    In the other direction it Works better :-)
    greets Andre
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