The last client I had complaining of this issue, I swapped his R4 with my demo unit. I loaded the new firmware on his old unit, and it sat on my desk for days without exhibiting this behavior again. So, it's either environmental (which is unlikely, since he hasn't complained of it on the replacement unit), or the firmware fixed it.
Of course, that doesn't mean you can't have one that has a real hardware problem that creates the same symptom. But it does mean there are cases where a firmware update is all that is needed.
This seems to be a more general problem than I first thought. I can only imagine I have a lot of customers who just aren't bothered by it or haven't noticed it.
I just went to a client who has two R4's; his complaint was the one in the bedroom kept waking up and waking him in the process. So I went over and updated all the firmwares, and made sure they were cold booted in hand to make the calibration less sensitive. I also swapped his theater unit with his bedroom unit, just to cover all the bases. Two week later, he called me to say the bedroom unit was doing it again. This is with all new firmware, two brand new R4's (they were shipped in January), calibrated-in-hand. I don't know if his theater unit is doing the same thing, so I can't be sure it isn't something specific to the room. Maybe he snores, and the calibration is still too tight ... but the bottom line is it doesn't seem that either new hardware or new firmware as resolved the problem.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: if you feel like you have to make a process accessible but making it automatic, make sure you also provide a way to manually override it. This hard-boot-to-calibrate stuff is a wonderful idea, that clearly doesn't work. Give us a dang slider on the setup page and be done.
The R4 "wakes up" upon a disconnect/reconnect too. You may be seeing the connection cycling and not vibration wakeups. Review the gateway log to see.
I log online/offline and page events. No activity to speak of ... one or two single-second disconnects once or twice a day. Nothing that would keep it awake continuously. I suppose I ought to take a second look at the gateway logs themselves, could be the master doesn't see it go offline as soon as the gateway does.
I log online/offline and page events. No activity to speak of ... one or two single-second disconnects once or twice a day. Nothing that would keep it awake continuously. I suppose I ought to take a second look at the gateway logs themselves, could be the master doesn't see it go offline as soon as the gateway does.
I wonder if its the phantom key press issue....
I wonder if its the phantom key press issue....
If so, it wasn't fixed as advertised. But I tend to think not, as I don't use a idle page on R4s; any button press when it's idle will turn something on, and that's not happening. I did have that problem on another job though.
Of course, that doesn't mean you can't have one that has a real hardware problem that creates the same symptom. But it does mean there are cases where a firmware update is all that is needed.
I just went to a client who has two R4's; his complaint was the one in the bedroom kept waking up and waking him in the process. So I went over and updated all the firmwares, and made sure they were cold booted in hand to make the calibration less sensitive. I also swapped his theater unit with his bedroom unit, just to cover all the bases. Two week later, he called me to say the bedroom unit was doing it again. This is with all new firmware, two brand new R4's (they were shipped in January), calibrated-in-hand. I don't know if his theater unit is doing the same thing, so I can't be sure it isn't something specific to the room. Maybe he snores, and the calibration is still too tight ... but the bottom line is it doesn't seem that either new hardware or new firmware as resolved the problem.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: if you feel like you have to make a process accessible but making it automatic, make sure you also provide a way to manually override it. This hard-boot-to-calibrate stuff is a wonderful idea, that clearly doesn't work. Give us a dang slider on the setup page and be done.
I log online/offline and page events. No activity to speak of ... one or two single-second disconnects once or twice a day. Nothing that would keep it awake continuously. I suppose I ought to take a second look at the gateway logs themselves, could be the master doesn't see it go offline as soon as the gateway does.
I wonder if its the phantom key press issue....
If so, it wasn't fixed as advertised. But I tend to think not, as I don't use a idle page on R4s; any button press when it's idle will turn something on, and that's not happening. I did have that problem on another job though.