Unable to download compiled program to axcess system !

Just experienced a very strange issue with NSX latest release today ! I needed to reload program in an old axcess cardframe. I can see all devices of system in online tree but unable to reload program. Each time it gets an error with a problem of getting memory size ! Did anyone already got that issue ?
Just experienced a very strange issue with NSX latest release today ! I needed to reload program in an old axcess cardframe. I can see all devices of system in online tree but unable to reload program. Each time it gets an error with a problem of getting memory size ! Did anyone already got that issue ?
Try compiling the program without code.
To answer your question, yes, I have seen times when a program compiled with code was too big for an Axcess card frame (enhanced master card, as I recall) but could be loaded when compiled without code. You can also make the compiled code smaller by clipping comments, but maybe not small enough.
A fix to get NSX able to download axcess program ? I'm more and more disappointed with AMX releasing programming tools without minimum check that basic features are still working
So, yes, they must be the same engine, i think.
But it did work for me to run filetransfer 2 on it's own, so i guess it's a compatibility issue between NSX and Filetransfer 2. Did you try to shut down NSX completely and run Filetransfer on its own?
I still can't understand why AMX is not able to test basic features of a new release are working before they release it ! well probably for same reason as IREdit is still unable to manage correctly serial port through USB adapter
And it looks that unless they discovered the issue they didn't update the current release, pfiu....
This isn't IREDIT's fault, as I have used IREDIT for several years on several laptops using several ISB to Serial adapters that work 100% fine. And I have tried some that did not work. So the variation is dependent on the adapter, not on the software. There's a raft of valid things to complain about in IREDIT (like windows 7 compatibility) but USB use isn't a fair one.
You probably already know this, but the USB "serial" port can show up at varying COM numbers at different times on the same PC. When mine doesn't talk, I look in the DEVICE MANAGER for COM ports, and see what number we have today... tell IREDIT (and NLStudio, etc.) and it works again. For me, with my adapter.
Which serial to usb adapter do you used without trouble with IREDIT since all that time? As i get the same trouble than vincen with IREDIT since the begining. All the adapter i use except one are completely unstable with IREDIT (only with IREDIT). The one that work is working approximately. Can you give us the models? Thanks
Why that patch is not avalaible on website ? AMX, it would be nice to explain it !