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IR Learning Program

Just in case anyone hasn't followed the IR Learner thread - thought I'd make an "official-unofficial" announcement regarding my program called Infraredit. It's currently in pre-beta testing, okay - alpha phase really, and am looking for more testers.

It's the first tool that'll be given to the forum - for free - out of a planned collection of about four. It's kind of my way of saying thanks for all of the help over the years . . . and it's a way to keep me from going insane while working on mundane AMX projects.

Click here to download it, or click on the link in my signature to report bugs and view release information. I will not be using the forums as a channel to try to advertise this free tool. If you have questions, email me, PM me, or join the issue tracking site. That being said, this is going to be my last post regarding the program.

Hope you guys enjoy & provide some feedback bugs, feature requests or enhancement ideas via email, PM or the reporting link below.


  • vincenvincen Posts: 526
    Thanks for sharing the info but if you don't mind I have few questions :)
    -> What IR learner is compatible with ?
    -> Is there a sort of basic manual or explanation how it works ? when I start it, all buttons are greyed, only About button is working !
    -> How to get updates about new versions of software ? the rss feed on your website is broken :(

    Thanks for the excellent idea ;)

  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,744
    You need to start with a file, either load or NEW. Once it has a file, LEARN works. The rest is pretty clear once you get off the ground with a file.
  • vincenvincen Posts: 526
    John Nagy wrote: »
    You need to start with a file, either load or NEW. Once it has a file, LEARN works. The rest is pretty clear once you get off the ground with a file.
    Thanks, will check that as soon as I receive the IR USB sensor :)

  • ColzieColzie Posts: 470
    jjames wrote: »
    this is going to be my last post regarding the program.

    Why? It is a tool geared for the AMX environment, right? I think this forum would be the perfect place to discuss it.
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    Colzie wrote: »
    Why? It is a tool geared for the AMX environment, right? I think this forum would be the perfect place to discuss it.
    I guess. I just don't want to seem like a hypocrite & promote something (albeit being a free program) when I've been staunchly against promoting stuff on the forum. I suppose there is a difference between a free program and one you're trying to solicit buyers . . .

    Anyway, I guess I'll post when needed about this. I do have a request though to anyone out there who has an Engo piece - I just want to know if Infraredit will work with it. I'm having doubts, but just want verification - and I'm not about to spend $300 to test / try to make it work.

    I should note, this will always be free - I'm *not* going to start charging when it's in full release.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,744
    A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson.

    This isn't a dig. I can't see why it shouldn't be discussed, the volunteer effort vs. commercial promotion differentiates the matters sufficiently to have a different outcome, without invalidating what is I think actually a no-commercial-promotion premise. (My disagreement with parts of that premise notwithstanding.)
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    John - let me be the first to admit, your words are beyond me sometimes, I need a thesaurus sometimes when you post. :-)

    Okay, okay . . . I'll post. Nevermind what I said!

    If anyone has questions - please post here, email me, or PM me. While I'd love to have an "official bug tracking" system used just so it's actually there and in the open, go ahead and report stuff here too.

    Thanks for the support guys!
  • sling100sling100 Posts: 123
    My UIRT came from Engo - hence my comments about their software elsewhere. It is just a straight UIRT as far as I can tell, with no modifications at all. The standard UIRT capture software works fine with it, as does yours ....

  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    Okay - I was under the impression the firmware was different per their support page.
    Our software only works with learners purchased from us. Our firmware is different.
    It's nice to know that my software works with the overpriced Engo piece. ;)
  • vincenvincen Posts: 526
    The download link doesn't work anymore and no way to find the file on your website :( did u remove it ? I get only 404 error :(

    Update: found the program in my archives, works great, fast, efficient and simple :) bye bye damn IREdit :D


  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    It's on hold for the moment.
  • vincenvincen Posts: 526
    jjames wrote: »
    It's on hold for the moment.
    Shame :( Lack of time to develop ? but why did u remove it from your website ?

  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    Taking a different approach on how it works.
  • vincenvincen Posts: 526
    jjames wrote: »
    Taking a different approach on how it works.
    oky cool so it's not dropped :) would be nice to let online current archive if you don't mind while you're working on new version of the tool :D
  • vincen wrote: »
    oky cool so it's not dropped :) would be nice to let online current archive if you don't mind while you're working on new version of the tool :D

    I agree. I only made it into this thread now and would like to test out the alpha version. I have an engo right now but would love an alternative to IRedit.
  • mushmush Posts: 287
    jjames wrote: »
    It's on hold for the moment.

    Any chance of providing a link to the latest version?
  • mushmush Posts: 287
    vincen wrote: »
    The download link doesn't work anymore and no way to find the file on your website :( did u remove it ? I get only 404 error :(

    Update: found the program in my archives, works great, fast, efficient and simple :) bye bye damn IREdit :D



    G'day Vincen,

    Would you be so kind as to e-mail me the version that you found in your archives?


  • mushmush Posts: 287
    G'day JJames,

    You've obviously nutted out the format of an irl file.
    Would you be so kind as to elucidate others and save them some time?


  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    Matt - I looked through the tread and thought I had posted stating that I would not make this open source, however it appears I did not. So, for the record, this program, and most likely future programs as well, will not be open source. While I don't disagree with the open source movement, I neither partake nor support it.

    What I might do in the future is develop a driver / component / for others' use. However, that won't be until my code is much more stable and accurate.

    Thanks for the continued support & patience.
  • joseaniojoseanio Posts: 42
    vincen wrote: »
    The download link doesn't work anymore and no way to find the file on your website :( did u remove it ? I get only 404 error :(

    Update: found the program in my archives, works great, fast, efficient and simple :) bye bye damn IREdit :D



    Hi Vincen,

    Could you please send me by email a copy of this software ?? joseanio@jpghh.com.br

    Thanks in advance
  • vincenvincen Posts: 526
    joseanio wrote: »
    Could you please send me by email a copy of this software ?? joseanio@jpghh.com.br
    You should avoid to post your email directly in forum message ! and please ask jjames the developer of software to get a copy ;)
  • vincen wrote: »
    You should avoid to post your email directly in forum message ! and please ask jjames the developer of software to get a copy ;)

    Sorry for the inconvenience. I asked the developer some time ago, but he said the software is unavailable at the moment, even the previous version.

    No problem.

  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    Bad news: development is suspended indefinitely. Over the weekend, I was an unlucky victim when a low-life-piece-of-garbage-loser-a-hole busted out a window and stole my laptop which had all of the source code for Infraredit and countless other Windows side projects.

    I'll have to completely start from scratch and frankly, it's not at the top of my to-do list.
  • PhreaKPhreaK Posts: 966
    Ah man, that sucks. Good thing you have a good backup policy, keep everything on DropBox and obsessively push to GitHub / Google Code... right...?

    Seriously though, sorry to hear it.
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    I have all of the work / client / projects backed up, but lost gigs of custom graphics & Windows apps that I'd developed over the years. A few months back I dropped my backup hard drive and never got around to getting another. *Sigh*

    Quite depressing . . . time for Carbonite, TrueCrypt, Computrace and a way to only unlock / boot my computer from a USB key. Wonder where I can find a retina scanner too . . .
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,744
    It's a small small comfort to know that for all that security effort, your thief just won't get to your content... which he didn't want anyway. An exposed computer with the highest of tech security will be just as appealing, then just as gone. You'd be just as lost had the HD took a last gasp, something that happens all the time. Invest in backups.

    I hope there is some chance for a recovery. Good luck.
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