Minimum firmware version for RMS
Is there a minimum version of firmware for the master and NI device recommended for RMS 3.3+?
Thank you
Is there a minimum version of firmware for the master and NI device recommended for RMS 3.3+?
Thank you
Naturally, I'm going with the latter
The documentation fails to mention anything about a recommended firmware version so I guess I am to assume it works on all versions.
I don't recall any specific fw requirement for RMS v3.3. While you can probably have any fw version on the master some are obviously more stable than others, particularly with the network stack. I try to run the same fw version on all masters (of the same model) so if there is a "ghost in the machine" I at least can rule out fw differences. IIRC I have had with RMS in the past, but I try to keep everything on the current public-release version (once proven stable in a test environment).
Roger McLean
Swinburne University