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Wirepath Surveillance Live MJPEG Stream

FYI if anybody needs a nice DVR with Streaming, Snap AV's Wirepath DVR's are pretty nice.


Stream info...

Host: your DVR's Ip Address
Path: wps-cgi
File: /mjpg/video.cgi?camera=1&resolution=320%C3%97240
User: user (default)
Password: 1234 (default)



    MJPG streaming

    I just bought a Wirepath encoder and am trying to get a video stream from TP4 in dynamic images to view on my MVP-8400 touch panel. I can get indiv pics from DVR(not a wirePath DVR) to display but not the stream

    here is how I filled out the Dynamic Image screen
    host:dvr IP address (not a wirepath dvr)
    file: /mjpg/video.cgi?cam2

    but I get error - unable to load image file, file may not exist or may not be PNG or JPG image,

    so I guess question is how to get the MJPG to stream, as this stream works when I goto a session of firefox and enter stream URL:
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Your key is the file type. In most cases the issue of a stream working on a browser but not the panel is indeed the file type. I've ran into this with many of the Panasonic cameras. You seem to have to futz with the camera settings to ensure you are getting the right streaming file. Unfortunately, you don't really have a lot of things to tweak on the TP side. It either works or it don't. One little hint I can offer to help is you do a lot if the tweaking from TPDesign itself if you are onsite or have VPN access to the network. If your settings are correct on the camera and you have all the URL info correct in TPDesign you can simply double-click the dynamic image in the image browser and if all is well, the cam image will pop up on your computer. It saves time editing, saving, uploading to the panel only to find it still isn't correct.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    JOHNBONZ wrote: »
    I just bought a Wirepath encoder and am trying to get a video stream from TP4 in dynamic images to view on my MVP-8400 touch panel. I can get indiv pics from DVR(not a wirePath DVR) to display but not the stream

    here is how I filled out the Dynamic Image screen
    host:dvr IP address (not a wirepath dvr)
    file: /mjpg/video.cgi?cam2

    but I get error - unable to load image file, file may not exist or may not be PNG or JPG image,

    so I guess question is how to get the MJPG to stream, as this stream works when I goto a session of firefox and enter stream URL:

    I find the systems don't like path elements mixed with the filename. Also, the / characters are entered automatically between elements, so by including a trailing / in the path, you end up with an extra.

    host:dvr IP address (include the http://)
    file: video.cgi?cam2
    (user, password)

    And as you already have done, I don't think you need to include the &resolution=640x480.... and/or try it with that on the file section.
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    John Nagy wrote: »
    host:dvr IP address (include the http://)

    That should read:
    host:dvr IP address (don't include the http://)
    as that is set by the Protocol drop down box selection in the dynamic image properties.
    Wirepath Surveillance Live MJPEG Stream

    well I said I got the images working from TP4, here is the setup for images:

    host:ip address
    file: image.cgi?cam7

    click ok and then double click the dynamic image and image pops up.
    Now fromthe streaming image, it doesn't work. Could it be it is Wirepath? If I had a AXIS decoder , would it work? In the help of TP4 it shows a sample of a AXIS setup:
    host:ip address
    file: video.cgi?cam7

    so this apparently works, and all I did was replace the axis with wps and I expected it to start streaming when I double click in TP4.

    Also, I don't have http:// in the host as it is implied

    So has anyone successfully streamed video to ur touchpanels using the setup in TP4 from an encoder from wirepath or any other manufacturer?
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