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LG TV's IP control



  • @sentry07 said:
    I finally found out that there is a secret installation menu in the displays we were using
    LG Installation Menu:

    Thanks for that. Because sooner or later that link will disappear:

    • Hold the settings button on the remote for 5 seconds,
    • When 'Input ID' is displayed (on top right corner) then enter password (default password is 0000) and press OK,
    • When installation menu is displayed, select 'Signage setup',
    • In 'Signage setup' option select 'Wake On Lan' option. Set the value to ON
  • kmkorfkmkorf Posts: 19

    @sentry07 said:
    I know it's kind of late now, but I just dealt with this last week. After much fighting with the LG Displays and asking IT if they were blocking WOL packets and such, I finally found out that there is a secret installation menu in the displays we were using, and in the secret menu there was a setting for "Enable WakeOnLan" and after that was enabled I could turn the TVs on via WOL. After the TVs are on, you could control them via TCP port 9761 with the usual LG protocol:
    ka 00 00 // power off
    xb 00 90 // hdmi 1
    xb 00 91 // hdmi 2

    The network guy danced a jig around me when we found that menu because he had been racking his brain trying to figure out what in their network switches would be blocking it. I tried both the local broadcast ( and the global broadcast ( addresses on UDP port 9 and both worked. 6 bytes of $FF followed by the MAC address 16 times.


    LG Installation Menu:

    What model display were you working with? Was it the commercial TVs? I've got some commercial displays and have the WOL working but it seems on the commercial displays the 9761 port is closed but there is a whole section in the setup menu for C*******.

  • sentry07sentry07 Posts: 77

    Uhh, drawings show 49UX340C. I don't remember if that's what they were. But they did have the Roomview Connected stuff in the setup menu as well. Port 9761 worked out of the box as long as they were powered on. If they're off, you get nothing.

  • ProgressiveCodeProgressiveCode Posts: 64
    edited April 2019

    This thread has very helpful information. Thank you. I have successfully gotten the TV to Wake On LAN with my program, but I can not get it to respond to any of these Power Off commands:
    "'ka 00 00',$0D"
    "'ka 0 0',$0D"
    "'POWER off',$0D"

    Tried all of the above both with and without "Network IP Control" enabled in the hidden setup menu.
    I think what is probably a big clue is that when I try to open the connection to port 9761 with IP_CLIENT_OPEN my result is an ONERROR event with error code 6.

    Error code 6 is: "Connection Refused (IP_CLIENT_OPEN) - The specified host does not have a server socket listening on the requested port and therefore refused the connection."

    So what this means to me is that maybe LG is now using a port other than their old port of 9761? If so, does anyone have any suggestions of other ports to try (other than 23, which also didn't work)? Any other ideas?

  • Might as well port scan it. Don't forget there's a second 'hidden' settings menu for turning on IP control, separate from the hidden menu to turn on WoL.

  • I'm currently dealing with a 86UU340C that seems to WOL just fine, but no other controls... Port scanned revealed...
    Discovered open port 9001/tcp on
    Discovered open port 10002/tcp on
    Discovered open port 9998/tcp on
    Discovered open port 3000/tcp on
    Discovered open port 10000/tcp on
    Discovered open port 3001/tcp on
    So no 9761 :(
    Apparently 3000 & 3001 are LG Smart TV http service and 9998 is Google Chromecast.

  • Has anyone completely figured this out? I have enabled IP Control and I can connect via port 9761, but as otherS have posted, as soon as I send a command I get a Connection closed notice. Does the generated KeyCode come in to play, somehow? Any help would be appreciated.

  • > @jfmonier said:
    > I've been working with RS-232 control on LG TV's for years now, including newer models with the mini phone jack. (Note that some or all of the newest models no longer have the phone jack, but they still have IP control but with a catch: IP control apparently is, and has been, only available on US models, and that means NOT available in the rest of the world including Canada.) So I have RS-232 working in every day use on a variety of models going back 10 years (including a B6 OLED and a UH610A non-OLED).
    > So far, there has been no urgency for me to get IP control working since RS-232 works fine. But now I have a new UK6300 that does not have the RS-232 mini-jack.
    > I had already managed to send individual IP commands successfully, so I can point out one thing. The whole protocol for IP control is TOTALLY different from RS-232. (And I tried the RS-232 protocol with out success.) It IS documented, but it can be hard to find. It is pages 34-37 of a 48 page manual that covers the UH series. But here's the problem: Most manuals that are available on the Internet (especially on LG sites) do NOT have these pages (even when they DO have the pages on RS-232 control). I don't even remember how I found this so it make take some effort to find it.
    > I can set up my new UK6300 for IP control using the same method as always, with one exception. I saw the same "generate keycode" button mentioned above. I have no idea how this would fit into the protocol and I'm not looking forward to figuring it out.
    > I'll try to report on further progress.

    Hey I'm new here...and a total noob when it comes to all this that u guys are talking about. However I have some programming experience so I thought I would give this a try...especially bcuz LG kinda gave me no other choice. I bought an LG OLED C7...literally a few months before they announced their next models that came with Google assistant. I held out hope that the previous year's models might get the upgrade but that never came.

    I have automated a whole bunch of things around my house...all of them can be controlled by Google assistant. So I was wondering if u could help me...(if it's something possible with my C7). I know it is possible to power on/off the TV, control volume/mute/unmute, and change the HDMI input. However I would like to take it a step further...I wanna be able to do those things by issuing commands to Google assistant.

    I've seen it done with Logitech Harmony...but with that approach Harmony acts as a middleman of sorts. I wanna be able to say a command that triggers some RS-232 protocol(or it's IP equivalent) and the TV then carries out that command.

    Has anyone here ever tried this? Can it be done?
  • > @jfmonier said:
    > I've been working with RS-232 control on LG TV's for years now, including newer models with the mini phone jack. (Note that some or all of the newest models no longer have the phone jack, but they still have IP control but with a catch: IP control apparently is, and has been, only available on US models, and that means NOT available in the rest of the world including Canada.) So I have RS-232 working in every day use on a variety of models going back 10 years (including a B6 OLED and a UH610A non-OLED).
    > So far, there has been no urgency for me to get IP control working since RS-232 works fine. But now I have a new UK6300 that does not have the RS-232 mini-jack.
    > I had already managed to send individual IP commands successfully, so I can point out one thing. The whole protocol for IP control is TOTALLY different from RS-232. (And I tried the RS-232 protocol with out success.) It IS documented, but it can be hard to find. It is pages 34-37 of a 48 page manual that covers the UH series. But here's the problem: Most manuals that are available on the Internet (especially on LG sites) do NOT have these pages (even when they DO have the pages on RS-232 control). I don't even remember how I found this so it make take some effort to find it.
    > I can set up my new UK6300 for IP control using the same method as always, with one exception. I saw the same "generate keycode" button mentioned above. I have no idea how this would fit into the protocol and I'm not looking forward to figuring it out.
    > I'll try to report on further progress.

    Hi, I'm new here. I've never really done this sort of thing before...but I do have some programming experience. I bought an LG OLED C7 TV a couple months before they announced their next models that came with Google assistant. I held out hope that they might roll out an update to include it in the previous year's models but that never came. So I decided to look into it myself.

    What I would like to do is issue commands(whether IP or RS232...whichever makes it possible for me to achieve what I'm trying to do)...
    - To remotely power the TV on and off
    - To control the volume(up/down) and mute/unmute
    - To change the HDMI input

    From what I have gathered by reading online is that the above is possible. However what I would like to do is take it a step further and be able to do this with Google assistant. As in I say some voice command...which then triggers an RS232 command and the TV performs that action. It would be really handy since I've automated a bunch of things around the house, which can all be controlled with Google assistant. I know it can be done with the Logitech Harmony Hub...but I don't wanna take that route unless there is no other choice.

    Has anyone ever tried this? Did it work? Or is it even possible to do with that specific model?
  • @NewGuy said:

    Hi, I'm new here. I've never really done this sort of thing before...but I do have some programming experience. I bought an LG OLED C7 TV a couple months before they announced their next models that came with Google assistant. I held out hope that they might roll out an update to include it in the previous year's models but that never came. So I decided to look into it myself.

    What I would like to do is issue commands(whether IP or RS232...whichever makes it possible for me to achieve what I'm trying to do)...

    • To remotely power the TV on and off
    • To control the volume(up/down) and mute/unmute
    • To change the HDMI input

    From what I have gathered by reading online is that the above is possible. However what I would like to do is take it a step further and be able to do this with Google assistant. As in I say some voice command...which then triggers an RS232 command and the TV performs that action. It would be really handy since I've automated a bunch of things around the house, which can all be controlled with Google assistant. I know it can be done with the Logitech Harmony Hub...but I don't wanna take that route unless there is no other choice.

    Has anyone ever tried this? Did it work? Or is it even possible to do with that specific model?

    NetLinx can be made accessible from a SmartThings gateway and your Google Assistant account is bridged in the cloud

  • > @HARMAN_icraigie said:
    > (Quote)
    > NetLinx can be made accessible from a SmartThings gateway and your Google Assistant account is bridged in the cloud
    > https://proforums.harman.com/amx/discussion/comment/193503#Comment_193503

    Could u point me to some sort of a more specific tutorial of some kind? I've never done this sort of thing with a TV before. Sry for basic questions I'm a noob.
  • @NewGuy said:

    Could u point me to some sort of a more specific tutorial of some kind? I've never done this sort of thing with a TV before. Sry for basic questions I'm a noob.

    Not much online other than that thread wrt to integrating NetLinx specifically. The SmartThings developer forums might be a place to go. There is some content soon to be published up on the Harman Professional University website reviewing MQTT and I'm looking at the SmartThings topic as a possible video series in the future.

  • NewGuyNewGuy Posts: 4
    edited November 2019
    > @HARMAN_icraigie said:
    > (Quote)
    > Not much online other than that thread wrt to integrating NetLinx specifically. The SmartThings developer forums might be a place to go. There is some content soon to be published up on the Harman Professional University website reviewing MQTT and I'm looking at the SmartThings topic as a possible video series in the future.

    So far I've been unable to add it as a "device" in the smartthings IDE. I even tried adding it manually and it didn't work. If someone can tell me how to do so...that would be great. The TV I have is an LG OLED C7.
  • @NewGuy said:

    So far I've been unable to add it as a "device" in the smartthings IDE. I even tried adding it manually and it didn't work. If someone can tell me how to do so...that would be great. The TV I have is an LG OLED C7.

    In the example NetLinx controls the TV and is a bridge to the SmartThings service. The NetLinx is added as an app at the SmartThings IDE if I remember correctly. The code shown in the link is both NetLinx and Groovy (SmartThings) to allow for this connection.

  • well, I found out the way an LG TV gets into the secret IP Control menu

    menu>all settings>highlight network>press OK,828888

    There is the option to enable the IP control as well as to generate a password key.
    AMX web has some duet modules for LG IP control.

    Everything seemed encouraging since all that modules need to establish the communication is the LG TV IP address, network port (default 9761) and password. We have all them !!

    BUT, in my case, I'm using older masters ( NI-2000 and NI-2100 ).

    After the duet module has been sent, the master diagnostics show a lot of errors especially for the java version.

    I had a contact with AMX and they informed me that NI-x000's do not support this duet module version but
    NI-x100's do if they are upgraded to v4 family firmware.

    I followed what they suggested, but I'm still getting error messages ( different ones now with firmware v4 )
    Also the duet module virtual device ( 41001 ) has never come online.

    FYI, I used the LG_75UM6970PUB module from amx web site.

    Below the diagnostics:

    Line 101 2020-12-10 (00:53:36):: Creating Thread Pool
    Line 102 2020-12-10 (00:53:37):: Creating HTTP socket
    Line 103 2020-12-10 (00:53:37):: HTTP server started on port 443
    Line 104 2020-12-10 (00:53:37):: Configuration error
    Line 105 2020-12-10 (00:53:37):: port.https : invalid value=65537
    Line 114 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: ## DEBUG: errors - FrameworkErrorEvent bundle #12
    Line 115 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: ## DEBUG: errors - FrameworkErrorEvent throwable:
    Line 116 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: BundleActivator start failed
    Line 117 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: $09at org.knopflerfish.framework.BundleImpl.start0 (BundleImpl.java:419)
    Line 118 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: $09at org.knopflerfish.framework.SecurePermissionOps$5.run (SecurePermissionOps.java:490)
    Line 119 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: $09at java.security.AccessController.callPrivilegedExceptionAction (Unknown Source, bco=6)
    Line 120 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: $09at java.security.AccessController.cniDoPrivileged (Native Method)
    Line 121 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: $09at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged (Unknown Source, bco=1)
    Line 122 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: $09at org.knopflerfish.framework.SecurePermissionOps.callStart0 (SecurePermissionOps.java:487)
    Line 123 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: $09at org.knopflerfish.framework.BundleImpl.start (BundleImpl.java:328)
    Line 124 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: $09at org.knopflerfish.framework.StartLevelImpl.increaseStartLevel (StartLevelImpl.java:289)
    Line 125 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: $09at org.knopflerfish.framework.StartLevelImpl$1.run (StartLevelImpl.java:217)
    Line 126 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: $09at org.knopflerfish.framework.StartLevelImpl.run (StartLevelImpl.java:179)
    Line 127 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: $09at java.lang.Thread.run (Unknown Source, bco=16)
    Line 128 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null ServiceReference is not valid input to getService()
    Line 129 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: $09at org.knopflerfish.framework.BundleContextImpl.getService (BundleContextImpl.java:313)
    Line 130 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: $09at com.amx.duet.httpservlets.RootServlet. (Unknown Source, bco=26)
    Line 131 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: $09at com.amx.duet.morpheus.Activator.start (Unknown Source, bco=148)
    Line 132 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: $09at org.knopflerfish.framework.BundleImpl.start0 (BundleImpl.java:375)
    Line 133 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: $09... 10 more
    Line 134 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: Nested bundle exception:
    Line 135 2020-12-10 (00:53:41):: java.lang.NullPointerException: null ServiceReference is not valid input to getService()
    Line 184 2020-12-10 (00:53:58):: CIpInterpreter: Timed out waiting for DUET
    Line 185 2020-12-10 (00:53:58):: CIpInterpreter::Run - Execute Startup Code

    Any ideas ??

  • Might be something else going on.
    Just ran the demo program here on a V4.8.331 master and the module instantiates without issue.

    (07:40:16.716):: CIpInterpreter::Run - Execute Startup Code
    (07:40:17.334):: CIpEvent::OnLine 0:1:208
    (07:40:17.336):: CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:1:208
    (07:40:17.336):: CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:2:208
    (07:40:17.337):: CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:3:208
    (07:40:17.338):: CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:4:208
    (07:40:17.339):: CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:5:208
    (07:40:17.340):: CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:6:208
    (07:40:17.341):: CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:7:208
    (07:40:17.343):: CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:8:208
    (07:40:17.343):: CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:9:208
    (07:40:19.306):: Loading 1 Duet Modules.
    (07:40:21.987):: Device Access: DA.processNewDevice: {Device-Revision=1.0.0, Device-Category=ip,serial,rs-232, Device-Make=LG, Physical-Device=0:3:0, objectClass=[Ljava.lang.String;@31c7d2, Device-SDKClass=com.amx.duet.devicesdk.TV, Bundle-Version=1.0.0, Device-Model=75UM
    (07:40:21.988):: 970PUB, Duet-Device=41001:1:0, service.id=11, Duet-Module=LG_75UM6970PUB_Comm_dr1_0_0}
    (07:40:21.994):: Device Access: loadDrivers: searching for 1 drivers
    (07:40:21.994):: Device Access: isDriverActive: checking for active driver - /bundle/LG_75UM6970PUB_Comm_dr1_0_0
    (07:40:21.996):: Device Access: isDriverActive: driver not active - /bundle/LG_75UM6970PUB_Comm_dr1_0_0
    (07:40:22.249):: Device Access: DeviceAccess.loadDrivers - installing bundle for /bundle/LG_75UM6970PUB_Comm_dr1_0_0
    (07:40:22.370):: /bundle/LG_75UM6970PUB_Comm_dr1_0_0: bundle matches flash file manifest
    (07:40:22.372):: Device Access: DeviceAccess.loadDrivers - starting bundle for /bundle/LG_75UM6970PUB_Comm_dr1_0_0
    (07:40:30.486):: 10:51:12:566 -->-->-->-->--> ITGLogger getModuleVirtualNetLinxDevice() called... [41001:1:0]
    (07:40:36.510):: Device Access: DA.processNewDevice: {Has-Freeze-Cycle=false, Device-Model=75UM6970PUB, objectClass=[Ljava.lang.String;@353d83, service.id=12, Has-Color=false, Supported-Bands=TV, Has-PIP-Cycle=false, Baud_Rate=9600, Has-Tint=false, Has-Lamp=false, Has-Asp
    (07:40:36.511):: ct-Ratio-Cycle=true, Device_ID=01, Duet-Model=75UM6970PUB, Has-Volume-Ramp=true, Has-Freeze=false, Has-Volume-Mute-Cycle=true, Physical-Device=0:3:0, Has-Aspect-Ratio=true, Has-Picture-Mute=true, Has-Power-Cycle=true, Device-SDKClass=com.amx.duet.devicesd
    (07:40:36.525):: .TV, Has-PIP=false, Duet-Make=LG, Has-Input-Select-Cycle=true, Menu-List=ENTER,MENU,EXIT,BACK,FAVORITES,SUBTITLE, Timeout_Count=3, Device-Channels=255, Has-Picture-Mute-Cycle=true, Support-Multiple-Screens=false, Has-Notes=false, Queue_Interval_MS=200, De
    (07:40:36.606):: ice-Revision=1.0.0, Poll_Time=10000, Device-Levels=15, Has-Power=true, Has-Brightness=false, Has-Volume=true, Menu-Navigate-List=UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT,SELECT, Has-Contrast=false, Duet-Revision=1.0.0, Duet-Device=41001:1:0, Device-Category=ip,serial,rs-232, D
    (07:40:36.606):: vice-Make=LG, Has-Menu-10Key=true, Has-PIP-Tuner=false, Has-Menu-Navigate=true, Lamp-Count=1, Has-Station=true, Has-Menu=true, Has-PIP-Position-Cycle=false, Device-Interface=com.amx.duet.impl.LG_75UM6970PUB.dr1_0_0.ILGTV, Support-Discrete-Power=false, IGN
    (07:40:36.606):: RE-UNKNOWN-NETLINX-COMMAND=true, Bundle-Version=1.0.0, Has-Input-Select=true, Support-PIP=false, Has-Sharpness=false, Device-Service=com.amx.duet.routers.snapi.ISNAPIRouter}
    (07:40:36.687):: Device Access: loadDrivers: searching for 1 drivers
    (07:40:36.687):: Device Access: isDriverActive: checking for active driver - /lib/jars/duet/snapirouter
    (07:40:36.689):: Device Access: isDriverActive: driver not active - /lib/jars/duet/snapirouter
    (07:40:36.864):: Device Access: DeviceAccess.loadDrivers - installing bundle for /lib/jars/duet/snapirouter
    (07:40:37.004):: Device Access: /lib/jars/duet/snapirouter: installed bundle does not match flash file manifest
    (07:40:37.005):: Device Access: updating bundle from flash
    (07:40:38.492):: Device Access: DeviceAccess.loadDrivers - starting bundle for /lib/jars/duet/snapirouter
    (07:40:39.681):: SNAPIRouter: MenuComponent loaded
    (07:40:40.337):: SNAPIRouter: DisplayComponent2 loaded
    (07:40:40.805):: SNAPIRouter: SourceSelectComponent3 loaded
    (07:40:42.070):: SNAPIRouter: TunerStationComponent3 loaded
    (07:40:42.095):: SNAPIRouter: TVComponent2 loaded
    (07:40:42.326):: SNAPIRouter: VolumeComponent2 loaded
    (07:40:43.011):: SNAPIRouter: LampComponent2 loaded
    (07:40:43.027):: $09$09$09
    (07:40:43.028):: -+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--
    (07:40:43.029):: -+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--
    (07:40:43.031):: $09$09$09
    (07:40:43.032):: $09LG_75UM6970PUB_Comm_dr1_0_0 Version: 1.0.0 Compiled: December 11, 2020 07:33
    (07:40:43.033):: $09$09$09
    (07:40:43.034):: -+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--
    (07:40:43.036):: -+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--
    (07:40:43.107):: $09$09$09
    (07:40:43.132):: SNAPIRouter: ModuleComponent loaded
    (07:40:43.296):: CIpEvent::OnLine 41001:1:208
    (07:40:43.370):: Device Access: DeviceAccess.serviceChanged - serviceEvent:UNREGISTERED

  • Ian,

    I got the above diagnostics when I loaded the module to a test only NX master.

    If you have got them from an NI master, it is really very encouraging !!

    Which master are you using ? I'm using an NI-2100 with v4.1.430 firmware.

    It might be an issue with the firmware version. Do you really have the v4.8.331 ? It seems to be a very newer version than mine.

    If so, can you share this firmware ? It may be our last minute hope!!!


  • v4.8.331 is the DVX x1xx master firmware.

    I just ran the example program on an NI-3100 @ v4.1.419 (published firmware https://www.amx.com/en-US/softwares/ni-series-x100-duet-v-4-master-firmware-v4-1-419): no errors and the virtual device is there.

    I'm also not seeing any of the precursor logging that you posted up.

    Line 101 2020-12-10 (00:53:36):: Creating Thread Pool
    Line 102 2020-12-10 (00:53:37):: Creating HTTP socket
    Line 103 2020-12-10 (00:53:37):: HTTP server started on port 443

    The protocol for that LG uses cleat text telnet, not a clue where the https server is coming from.

  • The protocol for that LG uses cleat text telnet, not a clue where the https server is coming from
    What does this mean exactly ?

    What do you think is the problem in my case ?

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Harman Integrated Technologies Group (ITG) Posts: 0

    George, have you loaded the sample program that is in the module zip? This would help us identify the issue. If the sample project loads, we can shift the search over to your code and the other modules that may be included in the system.

  • Same as ip_client_open(ip, port, mode) except in Java.

    It does look like something is looking for something that doesn't exist in the Java.
    The v4 f/w is very much a Java beast so could be in there - the controller stands up a server on 443 so https works.

    Have you tried commenting out include files and module calls and see what stops the errors from happening?

  • Yes Chris, I have loaded the sample program and nothing else. This is the only code that is running in my master ( from the module zip )

    Some errors that I'm getting back:

    Line 106 2020-12-12 (00:44:16):: Creating Thread Pool
    Line 107 2020-12-12 (00:44:16):: Creating HTTP socket
    Line 108 2020-12-12 (00:44:16):: HTTP server started on port 443
    Line 109 2020-12-12 (00:44:16):: Configuration error
    Line 110 2020-12-12 (00:44:16):: port.https : invalid value=65537

    Line 119 2020-12-12 (00:44:21):: ## DEBUG: errors - FrameworkErrorEvent bundle #12
    Line 120 2020-12-12 (00:44:21):: ## DEBUG: errors - FrameworkErrorEvent throwable:
    Line 121 2020-12-12 (00:44:21):: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: BundleActivator start failed

    Line 132 2020-12-12 (00:44:21):: $09at java.lang.Thread.run (Unknown Source, bco=16)
    Line 133 2020-12-12 (00:44:21):: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null ServiceReference is not valid input to getService()

    Line 134 2020-12-12 (00:44:21):: $09at org.knopflerfish.framework.BundleContextImpl.getService (BundleContextImpl.java:313)
    Line 135 2020-12-12 (00:44:21):: $09at com.amx.duet.httpservlets.RootServlet. (Unknown Source, bco=26)
    Line 136 2020-12-12 (00:44:21):: $09at com.amx.duet.morpheus.Activator.start (Unknown Source, bco=148)
    Line 137 2020-12-12 (00:44:21):: $09at org.knopflerfish.framework.BundleImpl.start0 (BundleImpl.java:375)

    Line 139 2020-12-12 (00:44:21):: Nested bundle exception:
    Line 140 2020-12-12 (00:44:21):: java.lang.NullPointerException: null ServiceReference is not valid input to getService()

    Line 190 2020-12-12 (00:44:29):: CIpInterpreter: Timed out waiting for DUET
    Line 191 2020-12-12 (00:44:29):: CIpInterpreter::Run - Execute Startup Code

  • Ian, I have commented out everything ( include files, module calls ) and I have left only the COMM module running.

    The above diagnostics is from that.

    I have captured more diagnostics lines on a txt file, but how can I upload it here ?

  • Could it have something to do with the amount of available Duet memory? I have seen weird things happen when that's set too low ('set duet memory' in telnet) It was never clear to me how you should know the correct size, though. Also, NI-3100 (second gen?) could be equiped with 256MB of memory, IIRC the NI-2100 always came with 64MB. Not sure where Ian is testing this on, the 256MB had different defaults for the Duet memory I think.

  • @George Krietsepis said:
    Ian, I have commented out everything ( include files, module calls ) and I have left only the COMM module running.

    The above diagnostics is from that.

    I have captured more diagnostics lines on a txt file, but how can I upload it here ?

    What happens when there is just NetLinx code running?

    All the errors you show are pre-define_start

    Line 191 2020-12-12 (00:44:29):: CIpInterpreter::Run - Execute Startup Code

    so I have my doubts that Duet is the direct cause of the issue.
    I'll post the boot up log that I see below.

    I would try reloading the firmware (probably the published version I linked above)

    And for the record the test NI-3100 here has the Duet memory set for the minimum 12M - in production I would bump that up as the show mem command is showing only 250k free with the single instance of the module instantiated.

  • Boot up log to module load
    I think this is where you processor is failing
    (0000022280) Creating HTTPS socket

    (0000012571) Axlink Protocol over I2C is running
    (0000012571) CMessagePipe::CMessagePipe MaxMessagesCount = 800
    (0000012604) Memory Available = 40233112 <32224>
    (0000013566) Knopflerfish OSGi framework, version 4.1.13
    (0000013567) Copyright 2003-2009 Knopflerfish. All Rights Reserved.
    (0000013568) See http://www.knopflerfish.org for more information.
    (0000013651) Loading xargs file /LIB/restart.xargs
    (0000013690) Loading xargs file /LIB/props.xargs
    (0000013716) #1: setDefaultSysProps
    (0000013718) #1: system prop org.osgi.framework.system.packages=
    (0000013719) #1: system prop org.osgi.framework.dir=/LIB/fwdir
    (0000013720) #1: Using default org.knopflerfish.bundle.cm.store=cmdir
    (0000013728) #3: jar base[0]=file:/LIB/jars/
    0000021333) SSLServerSocketFactory.Activator: registered service
    (0000021874) No CM present, using default configuration
    (0000022067) Updated pid=org.knopflerfish.bundle.http.factory.HttpServer.default
    (0000022078) create pid=org.knopflerfish.bundle.http.factory.HttpServer.default
    (0000022152) Creating Thread Pool
    (0000022244) Creating HTTP socket
    (0000022278) HTTP server started on port 80
    (0000022280) Creating HTTPS socket
    (0000022428) AmxSslServerSocket(int,int): got called
    (0000022644) HTTPS server started on port 257
    (0000022935) CMessagePipe::CMessagePipe MaxMessagesCount = 2000
    (0000023562) DeviceManager 0.0.1 has been started
    (0000023693) Device Access: Framework started
    (0000023694) Device Access: No DriverLocators found
    (0000023694) Device Access: DeviceAccess.frameworkEvent - no devices found
    (0000023694) DeviceAccess 0.0.1 has been started
    (0000024418) DynamicDeviceDetector 0.0.1 has been started
    (0000024566) CMessagePipe::CMessagePipe MaxMessagesCount = 500
    (0000024567) CCypherConnection task spawned Successfully, task Id: 2731280
    (0000024567) I2C priority: 99
    (0000024567) I2C stack: 10000
    (0000024568) OK to spawn I2CRx Task
    (0000024568) TaskI2CRx start
    (0000024627) It's a 3100
    (0000024628) Alias "/" was registered by bundle 12
    (0000024659) Alias "/web/root" was registered by bundle 12
    (0000024729) CI2CProcess::request400K_I2C hcs12: 0
    (0000024747) Alias "/web/module" was registered by bundle 12
    (0000024748) RootServlet 0.0.1 has been started
    (0000024773) Alias "/web/devices" was registered by bundle 12
    (0000024774) DeviceServlet 0.0.1 has been started
    (0000024816) CI2CProcess::request400K_I2C hcs12: 1
    (0000024837) Alias "/web/config" was registered by bundle 12
    (0000024837) ConfigServlet 0.0.1 has been started
    (0000024874) Alias "/web/dvx_2100hd/config" was registered by bundle 12
    (0000024875) DVXConfigServlet 0.0.1 has been started
    (0000024908) Alias "/web/security" was registered by bundle 12
    (0000024909) SecurityServlet 0.0.1 has been started
    (0000024916) CI2CProcess::request400K_I2C hcs12: 2
    (0000024940) Alias "/web/dynamic" was registered by bundle 12
    (0000024941) DynamicServlet 0.0.1 has been started
    (0000024942) Morpheus: Starting devicesdkrt.jar
    (0000025016) CI2CProcess::request400K_I2C hcs12: 3
    (0000025016) CI2CProcess::processI2C400K hcs12 m_I2C400KAck: 1
    (0000025017) CI2CProcess::processI2C400K hcs12 m_I2C400KAck: 3
    (0000025017) CI2CProcess::processI2C400K hcs12 m_I2C400KAck: 6
    (0000025018) CI2CProcess::processI2C400K hcs12 m_I2C400KAck: a
    (0000025018) CI2CProcess::processI2C400K pro all four have ACK-ed, changed I2C to 400K
    (0000026116) CI2CProcess::querySequenceSupport hcs12: 0
    (0000026131) duet bundle installed: /lib/jars/duet/devicesdkrt.jar
    (0000026215) CI2CProcess::querySequenceSupport hcs12: 1
    (0000026332) CI2CProcess::querySequenceSupport hcs12: 2
    (0000026432) CI2CProcess::querySequenceSupport hcs12: 3
    (0000026433) CI2CProcess::processQuerySequenceAck Sequence supported
    (0000026433) CICSPManager::start
    (0000026433) It's a 3100
    (0000026433) CICSPManager::send device info download: dev: 5001, what's state: 4
    (0000026434) CICSPTxProcess::sendPortCount device No: 5001, system No: 1
    (0000026633) starting duet bundle: /lib/jars/duet/devicesdkrt.jar
    (0000026634) Morpheus: Starting snapirouter.jar
    (0000026807) Send Init Message to HCS12
    (0000026966) ZeroConfigService::ZeroConfigService
    (0000026970) ZeroConfigService::ZeroConfigService mDNS_Init() successful
    (0000026971) ZeroConfigService::ZeroConfigService DNSServiceRegister() ref:ed2320 name:AMX-3100-210505x2460019 type:_http._tcp port:80
    (0000026971) ZeroConfigService::ZeroConfigService DNSServiceRegister() done
    (0000027566) IPConnectionMgr is running
    (0000027572) duet bundle installed: /lib/jars/duet/snapirouter.jar
    (0000027990) starting duet bundle: /lib/jars/duet/snapirouter.jar
    (0000028130) WebPortalImpl: registering web portal with HTTP server - /web/portal
    (0000028131) Alias "/web/portal" was registered by bundle 12
    (0000028132) Web Portal Device 0.0.1 has been started
    (0000028153) App Manager 0.0.1 has been started
    (0000028178) AppLoader: no app jar bundle has been installed
    (0000028200) CIpInterpreter::Run - Execute Startup Code
    (0000028233) CIpEvent::AddInternalEvent - Max Queue Count = 25
    (0000028303) CIpInterpreter::Run - Unlocking Interpreter Mutex (Device Hold off is on)
    (0000028814) Framework launched
    (0000028925) CIpEvent::OnLine 0:1:1
    (0000028925) CIpEvent::OnLine 33099:1:1
    (0000028925) CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:1:1
    (0000028926) CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:2:1
    (0000028926) CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:3:1
    (0000028926) CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:4:1
    (0000028927) CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:5:1
    (0000028927) CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:6:1
    (0000028927) CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:7:1
    (0000028928) CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:8:1
    (0000028928) CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:9:1
    (0000028928) CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:10:1
    (0000028928) CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:11:1
    (0000028929) CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:12:1
    (0000028929) CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:13:1
    (0000028931) CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:14:1
    (0000028934) CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:15:1
    (0000028940) CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:16:1
    (0000028943) CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:17:1
    (0000029115) ZeroConfigService::RegisterCallBack REGISTER AMX-3100-210505x2460019._http._tcp.local.
    (0000030902) Loading 1 Duet Modules.

  • Just as another confirmation: I just took a NI-2100 and a NI-3100, both with firmware v4.1.419 and made an empty program with just the LG module loaded.
    Both the NI's are last generation, both with 64MB RAM. Set Duet size to 12M (lowest) and 24M (default, i think).
    Module loaded just fine on both processors and the virtual device came online and seems to work (no display attached)

    DEFINE_MODULE 'LG_75UM6970PUB_Comm_dr1_0_0' mTV(vdvTV, dvTV)

    Maybe do a factory reset (from telnet) and try again? Hard to tell what optional thing someone once set on the device.

    As part of the log I also see:

    01-09-2031 THU 15:58:20     Creating HTTP socket
    01-09-2031 THU 15:58:20     HTTP server started on port 80
    01-09-2031 THU 15:58:20     Creating HTTPS socket
    01-09-2031 THU 15:58:21     HTTPS server started on port 443


    Line      1 2020-12-14 (20:28:21.245)::  Loading 1 Duet Modules.
    Line      2 2020-12-14 (20:28:21.263)::  IPDeviceDetector.run(): joined multicast group
    Line      3 2020-12-14 (20:28:23.927)::  Device Access: DA.processNewDevice: {Device-Revision=1.0.0, Device-Category=ip,serial,rs-232, Device-Make=LG, Physical-Device=0:3:0, objectClass=[Ljava.lang.String;@32d89f, Device-SDKClass=com.amx.duet.devicesdk.TV, Bundle-Version=1.0.0, Device-Model=75UM
    Line      4 2020-12-14 (20:28:23.930)::  970PUB, Duet-Device=41001:1:0, service.id=10, Duet-Module=LG_75UM6970PUB_Comm_dr1_0_0}
    Line      5 2020-12-14 (20:28:23.935)::  Device Access: loadDrivers: searching for 1 drivers
    Line      6 2020-12-14 (20:28:23.936)::  Device Access: isDriverActive: checking for active driver - /bundle/LG_75UM6970PUB_Comm_dr1_0_0
    Line      7 2020-12-14 (20:28:23.940)::  Device Access: isDriverActive: driver not active - /bundle/LG_75UM6970PUB_Comm_dr1_0_0
    Line      8 2020-12-14 (20:28:25.000)::  Memory Available = 21722592 <38352>
    Line      9 2020-12-14 (20:28:25.277)::  Device Access: DeviceAccess.loadDrivers - installing bundle for /bundle/LG_75UM6970PUB_Comm_dr1_0_0
    Line     10 2020-12-14 (20:28:25.978)::  Memory Available = 21689808 <32784>
    Line     11 2020-12-14 (20:28:27.777)::  /bundle/LG_75UM6970PUB_Comm_dr1_0_0: bundle matches flash file manifest
    Line     12 2020-12-14 (20:28:27.781)::  Device Access: DeviceAccess.loadDrivers - starting bundle for /bundle/LG_75UM6970PUB_Comm_dr1_0_0
    Line     13 2020-12-14 (20:28:36.953)::  Memory Available = 21657024 <32784>
    Line     14 2020-12-14 (20:28:40.905)::  Device Access: DA.processNewDevice: {Has-Freeze-Cycle=false, Device-Model=75UM6970PUB, objectClass=[Ljava.lang.String;@32f415, service.id=12, Has-Color=false, Supported-Bands=TV, Has-PIP-Cycle=false, Baud_Rate=9600, Has-Tint=false, Has-Lamp=false, Has-Asp
    Line     15 2020-12-14 (20:28:40.909)::  ct-Ratio-Cycle=true, Device_ID=01, Duet-Model=75UM6970PUB, Has-Volume-Ramp=true, Has-Freeze=false, Has-Volume-Mute-Cycle=true, Physical-Device=0:3:0, Has-Aspect-Ratio=true, Has-Picture-Mute=true, Has-Power-Cycle=true, Device-SDKClass=com.amx.duet.devicesd
    Line     16 2020-12-14 (20:28:40.913)::  .TV, Has-PIP=false, Duet-Make=LG, Has-Input-Select-Cycle=true, Menu-List=ENTER,MENU,EXIT,BACK,FAVORITES,SUBTITLE, Timeout_Count=3, Device-Channels=255, Has-Picture-Mute-Cycle=true, Support-Multiple-Screens=false, Has-Notes=false, Queue_Interval_MS=200, De
    Line     17 2020-12-14 (20:28:40.985)::  ice-Revision=1.0.0, Poll_Time=10000, Device-Levels=15, Has-Power=true, Has-Brightness=false, Has-Volume=true, Menu-Navigate-List=UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT,SELECT, Has-Contrast=false, Duet-Revision=1.0.0, Duet-Device=41001:1:0, Device-Category=ip,serial,rs-232, D
    Line     18 2020-12-14 (20:28:40.987)::  vice-Make=LG, Has-Menu-10Key=true, Has-PIP-Tuner=false, Has-Menu-Navigate=true, Lamp-Count=1, Has-Station=true, Has-Menu=true, Has-PIP-Position-Cycle=false, Device-Interface=com.amx.duet.impl.LG_75UM6970PUB.dr1_0_0.ILGTV, Support-Discrete-Power=false, IGN
    Line     19 2020-12-14 (20:28:41.071)::  RE-UNKNOWN-NETLINX-COMMAND=true, Bundle-Version=1.0.0, Has-Input-Select=true, Support-PIP=false, Has-Sharpness=false, Device-Service=com.amx.duet.routers.snapi.ISNAPIRouter}
    Line     20 2020-12-14 (20:28:41.075)::  Device Access: loadDrivers: searching for 1 drivers
    Line     21 2020-12-14 (20:28:41.075)::  Device Access: isDriverActive: checking for active driver - /lib/jars/duet/snapirouter
    Line     22 2020-12-14 (20:28:41.076)::  Device Access: isDriverActive: driver not active - /lib/jars/duet/snapirouter
    Line     23 2020-12-14 (20:28:41.267)::  Device Access: DeviceAccess.loadDrivers - installing bundle for /lib/jars/duet/snapirouter
    Line     24 2020-12-14 (20:28:41.355)::  /lib/jars/duet/snapirouter: bundle matches flash file manifest
    Line     25 2020-12-14 (20:28:41.360)::  Device Access: DeviceAccess.loadDrivers - starting bundle for /lib/jars/duet/snapirouter
    Line     26 2020-12-14 (20:28:42.186)::  SNAPIRouter: MenuComponent loaded
    Line     27 2020-12-14 (20:28:42.440)::  SNAPIRouter: DisplayComponent2 loaded
    Line     28 2020-12-14 (20:28:42.916)::  SNAPIRouter: SourceSelectComponent3 loaded
    Line     29 2020-12-14 (20:28:43.524)::  SNAPIRouter: TunerStationComponent3 loaded
    Line     30 2020-12-14 (20:28:43.898)::  SNAPIRouter: TVComponent2 loaded
    Line     31 2020-12-14 (20:28:44.222)::  SNAPIRouter: VolumeComponent2 loaded
    Line     32 2020-12-14 (20:28:44.657)::  SNAPIRouter: LampComponent2 loaded
    Line     33 2020-12-14 (20:28:44.900)::  SNAPIRouter: ModuleComponent loaded
    Line     34 2020-12-14 (20:28:45.396)::  CIpEvent::OnLine 41001:1:1
    Line     35 2020-12-14 (20:28:46.551)::  $09$09$09  
    Line     36 2020-12-14 (20:28:46.557)::  -+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--
    Line     37 2020-12-14 (20:28:46.557)::  -+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--
    Line     38 2020-12-14 (20:28:46.557)::  $09$09$09  
    Line     39 2020-12-14 (20:28:46.558)::  $09LG_75UM6970PUB_Comm_dr1_0_0 Version: 1.0.0 Compiled: March 24, 2020 09:02
    Line     40 2020-12-14 (20:28:46.562)::  $09$09$09  
    Line     41 2020-12-14 (20:28:46.562)::  -+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--
    Line     42 2020-12-14 (20:28:46.567)::  -+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--
    Line     43 2020-12-14 (20:28:46.567)::  $09$09$09  
  • Please have a look below my diagnostics.. In my case, it also loads some file://LIB/jars while starting up..
    What are these exactly ?

    Line 3 2020-12-10 (18:41:38):: Installed: file:/LIB/jars/master/morpheus.jar (id#12)
    Line 10 2020-12-10 (18:41:41):: #2: location=log/log_api-2.0.2.jar
    Line 11 2020-12-10 (18:41:41):: #2: base[0]=file:/LIB/jars/
    Line 12 2020-12-10 (18:41:41):: #2: check file:/LIB/jars/log/log_api-2.0.2.jar
    Line 13 2020-12-10 (18:41:41):: #5: found location=file:/LIB/jars/log/log_api-2.0.2.jar
    Line 14 2020-12-10 (18:41:41):: Started: file:/LIB/jars/log/log_api-2.0.2.jar (id#1)
    Line 15 2020-12-10 (18:41:41):: #2: location=log/amx_log.jar
    Line 16 2020-12-10 (18:41:41):: #2: base[0]=file:/LIB/jars/
    Line 17 2020-12-10 (18:41:41):: #2: check file:/LIB/jars/log/amx_log.jar
    Line 18 2020-12-10 (18:41:41):: #5: found location=file:/LIB/jars/log/amx_log.jar
    Line 19 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: Started: file:/LIB/jars/log/amx_log.jar (id#2)
    Line 20 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: #2: location=cm/cm_api-2.0.1.jar
    Line 21 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: #2: base[0]=file:/LIB/jars/
    Line 22 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: #2: check file:/LIB/jars/cm/cm_api-2.0.1.jar
    Line 23 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: #5: found location=file:/LIB/jars/cm/cm_api-2.0.1.jar
    Line 24 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: Started: file:/LIB/jars/cm/cm_api-2.0.1.jar (id#3)
    Line 25 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: #2: location=device/device_api-2.0.0.jar
    Line 26 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: #2: base[0]=file:/LIB/jars/
    Line 27 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: #2: check file:/LIB/jars/device/device_api-2.0.0.jar
    Line 28 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: #5: found location=file:/LIB/jars/device/device_api-2.0.0.jar
    Line 29 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: Started: file:/LIB/jars/device/device_api-2.0.0.jar (id#5)
    Line 30 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: #2: location=ftpClient/ftpClient.jar
    Line 31 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: #2: base[0]=file:/LIB/jars/
    Line 32 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: #2: check file:/LIB/jars/ftpClient/ftpClient.jar
    Line 33 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: #5: found location=file:/LIB/jars/ftpClient/ftpClient.jar
    Line 34 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: Started: file:/LIB/jars/ftpClient/ftpClient.jar (id#4)
    Line 35 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: #2: location=javaxServlet/javaxServlet.jar
    Line 36 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: #2: base[0]=file:/LIB/jars/
    Line 37 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: #2: check file:/LIB/jars/javaxServlet/javaxServlet.jar
    Line 38 2020-12-10 (18:41:42):: #5: found location=file:/LIB/jars/javaxServlet/javaxServlet.jar
    Line 39 2020-12-10 (18:41:43):: Started: file:/LIB/jars/javaxServlet/javaxServlet.jar (id#6)
    Line 40 2020-12-10 (18:41:43):: #2: location=kxml/kxml-1.0.jar
    Line 41 2020-12-10 (18:41:43):: #2: base[0]=file:/LIB/jars/
    Line 42 2020-12-10 (18:41:43):: #2: check file:/LIB/jars/kxml/kxml-1.0.jar
    Line 43 2020-12-10 (18:41:43):: #5: found location=file:/LIB/jars/kxml/kxml-1.0.jar
    Line 44 2020-12-10 (18:41:43):: Started: file:/LIB/jars/kxml/kxml-1.0.jar (id#7)
    Line 45 2020-12-10 (18:41:43):: #2: location=ssl/SSL_SSFactory.jar
    Line 46 2020-12-10 (18:41:43):: #2: base[0]=file:/LIB/jars/
    Line 47 2020-12-10 (18:41:43):: #2: check file:/LIB/jars/ssl/SSL_SSFactory.jar
    Line 48 2020-12-10 (18:41:43):: #5: found location=file:/LIB/jars/ssl/SSL_SSFactory.jar
    Line 49 2020-12-10 (18:41:43):: Started: file:/LIB/jars/ssl/SSL_SSFactory.jar (id#8)
    Line 50 2020-12-10 (18:41:43):: #2: location=master/MasterInit.jar
    Line 51 2020-12-10 (18:41:43):: #2: base[0]=file:/LIB/jars/
    Line 52 2020-12-10 (18:41:43):: #2: check file:/LIB/jars/master/MasterInit.jar
    Line 53 2020-12-10 (18:41:43):: #5: found location=file:/LIB/jars/master/MasterInit.jar
    Line 54 2020-12-10 (18:41:44):: Started: file:/LIB/jars/master/MasterInit.jar (id#9)
    Line 55 2020-12-10 (18:41:44):: #2: location=httpServer/http_all-2.1.1.jar
    Line 56 2020-12-10 (18:41:44):: #2: base[0]=file:/LIB/jars/
    Line 57 2020-12-10 (18:41:44):: #2: check file:/LIB/jars/httpServer/http_all-2.1.1.jar
    Line 58 2020-12-10 (18:41:44):: #5: found location=file:/LIB/jars/httpServer/http_all-2.1.1.jar
    Line 59 2020-12-10 (18:41:44):: Started: file:/LIB/jars/httpServer/http_all-2.1.1.jar (id#10)
    Line 60 2020-12-10 (18:41:44):: #2: location=AmxMail/amx_mail.jar
    Line 61 2020-12-10 (18:41:44):: #2: base[0]=file:/LIB/jars/
    Line 62 2020-12-10 (18:41:44):: #2: check file:/LIB/jars/AmxMail/amx_mail.jar
    Line 63 2020-12-10 (18:41:44):: #5: found location=file:/LIB/jars/AmxMail/amx_mail.jar
    Line 64 2020-12-10 (18:41:44):: Started: file:/LIB/jars/AmxMail/amx_mail.jar (id#11)
    Line 65 2020-12-10 (18:41:44):: #2: location=master/morpheus.jar
    Line 66 2020-12-10 (18:41:44):: #2: base[0]=file:/LIB/jars/
    Line 67 2020-12-10 (18:41:44):: #2: check file:/LIB/jars/master/morpheus.jar
    Line 68 2020-12-10 (18:41:44):: #5: found location=file:/LIB/jars/master/morpheus.jar
    Line 69 2020-12-10 (18:41:45):: Started: file:/LIB/jars/master/morpheus.jar (id#12)
    Line 70 2020-12-10 (18:41:45):: #2: location=AppLoader/AppLoader.jar
    Line 71 2020-12-10 (18:41:45):: #2: base[0]=file:/LIB/jars/
    Line 72 2020-12-10 (18:41:45):: #2: check file:/LIB/jars/AppLoader/AppLoader.jar
    Line 73 2020-12-10 (18:41:45):: #5: found location=file:/LIB/jars/AppLoader/AppLoader.jar
    Line 74 2020-12-10 (18:41:45):: Started: file:/LIB/jars/AppLoader/AppLoader.jar (id#13)
    Line 75 2020-12-10 (18:41:49):: SSLServerSocketFactory.Activator: registered service
    Line 76 2020-12-10 (18:41:51):: Framework launched
    Line 77 2020-12-10 (18:41:51):: No CM present, using default configuration
    Line 78 2020-12-10 (18:41:51):: Updated pid=org.knopflerfish.bundle.http.factory.HttpServer.default
    Line 79 2020-12-10 (18:41:51):: create pid=org.knopflerfish.bundle.http.factory.HttpServer.default
    Line 80 2020-12-10 (18:41:52):: Creating Thread Pool
    Line 81 2020-12-10 (18:41:52):: Creating HTTP socket
    Line 82 2020-12-10 (18:41:52):: HTTP server started on port 443
    Line 83 2020-12-10 (18:41:52):: Configuration error
    Line 84 2020-12-10 (18:41:52):: port.https : invalid value=65537
    Line 85 2020-12-10 (18:41:54):: CMessagePipe::CMessagePipe MaxMessagesCount = 2000
    Line 163 2020-12-10 (18:42:14):: ** CIpInterpreter: Timed out waiting for DUET**
    Line 164 2020-12-10 (18:42:14):: ** CIpInterpreter::Run - Execute Startup Code**
    Line 165 2020-12-10 (18:42:15):: Memory Available = 8736624 <36928>
    Line 166 2020-12-10 (18:43:14):: CIpLibrary: Timed out waiting for DUET
    Line 167 2020-12-10 (18:43:14):: CIpEvent::OnLine 0:1:15
    Line 168 2020-12-10 (18:43:14):: CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:1:15
    Line 169 2020-12-10 (18:43:14):: CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:2:15
    Line 170 2020-12-10 (18:43:14):: CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:3:15
    Line 171 2020-12-10 (18:43:14):: CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:4:15
    Line 172 2020-12-10 (18:43:14):: CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:5:15
    Line 173 2020-12-10 (18:43:14):: CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:6:15
    Line 174 2020-12-10 (18:43:14):: CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:7:15
    Line 175 2020-12-10 (18:43:14):: CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:8:15
    Line 176 2020-12-10 (18:43:14):: CIpEvent::OnLine 5001:9:15
    Line 177 2020-12-10 (18:43:14):: CIpEvent::OnLine 33099:1:15
    Line 178 2020-12-10 (18:43:14):: CIpEvent::OnLine 0:1:10
    Line 179 2020-12-10 (18:43:14):: CIpEvent::OnLine 32001:1:15
    Line 180 2020-12-10 (18:43:27):: IPDeviceDetector.run(): joined multicast group
    Line 181 2020-12-10 (18:46:51):: ** Duet failed to start up, retries exceeded!**

  • Ian, I can confirm that these logs appear while just NetLinx code running ( without any module loaded ).

    richardherman, how can I do a factory reset from telnet ? Which is the exact command ?

  • ow can I do a factory reset from telnet ? Which is the exact command ?

    reset factory, I found it

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