Got VA Today
Well I got my copy of VA today. Has any one else got theres? What are your thoughts?
Well got it installed. Took 30 minutes to install on a 1.7ghz laptop with 1g ram.
Well got it installed. Took 30 minutes to install on a 1.7ghz laptop with 1g ram.
I only messed with it for about 30 min so I hope to get to play with it some more today.
I orded mine on thursday and got it on friday so maybe you will get your soon.
I just received my copy this morning.
I like the concept. The report data that is generated could be helpful
since it is already formatted neatly.
This product definitely appears to be targeted at the residential end of things.
It is also a great attempt at making code generation and panel design easier for novice programmers. Obviously, making programming easier results in moving more product for the manufacturer.
Most of the professional devices that I control on a regular basis are not in the initial database.
For some reason, I get an error "error generating NetLinx code", about
50% of the time, even with a small system consisting of a single processor,
panel, and DVD player. I will keep playing to find out why the error occurs.
I suppose as with ALL template based code generators, this may save a little time in the initial stage, but I cant see avoiding the necessary time that would be needed to professionally customize and finalize a complete project.
I was thinking the same thing regarding the equipment (or lack thereof) in the databse. Funny though, I'm getting an error generating code every time. I haven't successfully generated a single project yet...I've tried different small scenarios, but so far can't even get it to work with 1 master, 1 panel, and 1 device...
If it's possible, could you attach the VAP for the simple system that you're encountering code generation errors for? And also the 'CodeGen.log' file from the folder where you targeted the system file generation. (You may have to zip them in order to attach them in the forum.) Thanks.
Here you go.
i took and loaded it and they compiled without any errors
Yesterday, my Visual Architect program would open run and operate
properly, with the exception of generating code.
Today, I go to open the program, and I get another error stating:
Invalid Version!
The Device Database has not been properly installed.
Version 1.0.28 is required.
Please install and then re-launch VisualArchitect.
Just for the heck of it, I clicked the program icon again,
and it opened just fine.
Wait... Let me try it a third time (because the 3rd time is the charm).
Yes, it opened properly on the 3rd attempt also.
Just for the record I am running a Pentium 1.6Ghz, & WINXP-Pro 2002 SP2
Go to add/remove programs and uninstall VA.
Then you close the service for sqlserv.exe <- not 100% on the service name,
then try reinstalling it, when the dos window pops up again wait for it to start throwing error codes then close it. At that point it will continue to rebuild the database.
At that point in order to run the application and not get the error you have to restart the service called SQLAgent$AMX.
Try bringing in the NXS-NMS first, then add the VOL4 to the shell. That will get it into your control diagrams, but you'll probably find that you need to add the volume control code to your custom.axi file in this version 1.0.
If you are referring to the SQL Server Service Manager in the taskabr tray, it is normal for it to state: "Not Connected - \\"
Ok glad to know that its nornal