GUI feature requests

I decided to start a thread for features you would like to see added or that need to be fixed.
I was working on the system layout and thought it would be nice to be able to zoom in/out. This would make it a little easier to organize to the layout, especially as the number of devices grows.
I was working on the system layout and thought it would be nice to be able to zoom in/out. This would make it a little easier to organize to the layout, especially as the number of devices grows.
I believe someone also mentioned varying thickness and color of lines also.
Could be very helpful when printing out documentation for use in the field.
I'd like to be able to review properties of devices which are not in my current diagram. Maybe via the context menu in the device list? Is there already some way to do this?
The IR capture window should have the ability to "uncheck captured". I tend to have to cancel the capture session several times during a capture for various reasons. Unlike IRedit, VA's capture does not have a Skip>> function. So, when I start capturing again, it wants to recapture stuff I've already done. Then I have to manually uncheck everything that has a successful capture icon next to it.