Limits to demo/evaluation mode

Is there documentation anywhere that lists - or does anyone happen to know offhand - exactly what other limitations (besides the single system limit) there are to running RMS in demo mode?
I've been going nuts for the past few weeks, with two tech support folks from AMX scratching their heads, wondering why I can't get control actions added to the RMS web interface for my test system. It's been suggested - with no verification yet - that these can't be added to a system running demo mode.
- Chip
I've been going nuts for the past few weeks, with two tech support folks from AMX scratching their heads, wondering why I can't get control actions added to the RMS web interface for my test system. It's been suggested - with no verification yet - that these can't be added to a system running demo mode.
- Chip
- only 1 NetLinx system allowed
- booking allowed only with internal web pages (no external system like Exchange, Lotus, ...)
I don't know of any other limits. You can program i!-ConnectLinx actions in the NetLinx master and they show up as available actions for Presets when you schedule a meeting.For RMS 3.0 you can take a look at the Licensing FAQ.
Go to the RMS Area and take a look at the Licensing FAQ (can be found on left side under Tech Downloads). Here is what is says:
If you have RMS 3.0 and the feature you are missing is "Control from Web Console", this might be available in Premium Edition only (see Quote above).
Maybe someone can clarify what exactly the differences are (compared to demo version)?
Regards, Harald
I will try to get this info posted soon:
Virtual Rooms Premium Ed. Only
i!-ConnectLinx macro events.? Direct execution Premium Ed. Only
Scheduling of i!-ConnectLinx macro events Premium Ed. Only
Ability to run system included reports. All
Internal Scheduling System All
External Scheduling System Premium Ed. Only
Restrict defined users to 1 admin and 1 user. Standard Ed. Only
Include 5 embedded asset management client licenses. Standard Ed. Only
Include 5 embedded room scheduling client licenses. Standard Ed. Only
Support SNMP All
Ability to edit/create notification templates All
View/manage source usage All
View/manage lamp hours All
Room is able to participate in asset management. All
Room is able to participate in scheduling. All