Preset Editor Files

Can someone from the support team post the .pxd files shown in the training video? There appear to be files made for different satellite service programming packages and so forth. Those should come pre-loaded in my opinion. There is no sense for someone to re-invent the wheel on this when so many of our users have dish network or direcTv.
The next release of VisualArchitect v1.3, will include sample Radio and TV pxd files that you will be able to modify for your locale. This release should be available via WebUpdate by August 31. Sample PXD files are attached.
Thanks for the files. Do you have the DirecTv file that was in the demo video?
Please unzip these files to:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\AMXShare\VASupportFiles\PresetEditor
This will give you DirecTV, DISHNet, and DFW Radio
Here are the Icons from the 800x600 panels.
Thanks for all of the fulfillment of the requests. Over the past few years, AMX seem to have put their GUI development on the back burner, which is understandable, but providing us new graphics and options are always appreciated. I for one absolutely love these icons. I know in comparison to the graphics Cre$tron provides, AMX wins hands down (but don't we always?
Thanks again for all of AMX's hard work to keep us going. Without your guys' innovation and design, we'd be no where!
Mr. Doug,
I expected the new release to Visual Architect 1.3 by August 31 but i cant find the new version. Please i need add a radia devices and relay devices, when the Visual Architect 1.3 to be ready to download?
VA version 1.3 is anticipated to release in one week due to inclusion of a new release of FileTransfer 2. We apologize for the delay but I think that you will be very happy with this release.
Thank you for your patience and interest in this product.
Kindest Regards,
Doug Hall
Senior Product Manager