Annoying repeat issue in new TPD4
This is a small thing, but it drives me crazy; they did it the last time there was an update in TPD4, and fixed it with the next minor patch, but it's back again. No one makes notes over there?
The File Open dialog is not resizable. I have huge projects with multiple versions of panel designs in the folder, and I really want to be able to size my Open dialog so I can see the whole folder at once. Not an option. I am not happy ... like I said, I realize it's a relatively small issue, but it happened before, complaints were made, and it was fixed. Why the heck did it creep back in? It's just a flag on the dialog call ... who in development thinks it's a good idea for the end user not to be able to resize it??
The File Open dialog is not resizable. I have huge projects with multiple versions of panel designs in the folder, and I really want to be able to size my Open dialog so I can see the whole folder at once. Not an option. I am not happy ... like I said, I realize it's a relatively small issue, but it happened before, complaints were made, and it was fixed. Why the heck did it creep back in? It's just a flag on the dialog call ... who in development thinks it's a good idea for the end user not to be able to resize it??
I think I've said all I can / want to say about the issues down over there. I think I'm going to bust out my voodoo dolls and doing a variation on a rain dance to see if that helps.
I got this reported yesterday.
Please keep your questions and concerns coming.
This was inadvertant, and apparently has to do with updating to a newer version of the compiler. There were no modifications made to this area.
I'll have to investigate this further.