Axcent3Pro Help

I am on my way to Iraq to "fix" many VTC problems. Lots of the VTC suites out there are old and are still sporting Axcent3 Pro controllers. DVD players, Plasmas, and other equipment on those suites have been life cycle replaced and as such, the programming is no longer right. Being the only programmer on site, I have been given the job of going out there and reprogramming all of these systems. In a perfect world, I would be going out there with a bag full of NI-3100's with NXT-CV10's, but that is not going to happen. I have to make due with what I have. I have a bunch of code I have written for VTC suites using Netlinx devices. I am hoping I can just cut and paste and do some finger diddling and get everything working. I know the devices are declared differently and there are no "EVENTS" in Axcent, everything is in the mainline. Does anyone have any Axcent code that they would be willing to share as an example? I have ZERO experience with Axcent3 devices. I downloaded the Axcess compiler from AMX, but I do not have the juice to install it on my work computer. I am waiting for the network Admin guy to open it for me. I am hoping I can dink around with that a little before I have to go. Thanks in advance.
Netlinx Studio 2 has an Axcess compiler, you don't need to use anything else. See Build / Compile as Axcess.
Converting decent NetLinx code (that makes good use of the language) into Axcess is hard work, no you can't do it with a few quick replaces.
If you want to see some sample code, PM me with your email address.
The least expensive solution, unless the original supplier is willing to upgrade the code for cheap, would be to put NI700s out there and use the Axcent3s as just boxes of ports. For anything but the most simple jobs (and programming a codec in Axcess is, in my opinion, non-trivial) you will save way more on time than an NI700 costs.
Perhaps there is a problem with the procurement people and they don't want to buy new equipment. Then, perhaps, the NI700s could somehow be rolled into the reprogramming fee. I'd bet that you could put NI700s out there and do all the programming in Netlinx, get it done quicker, and cheaper than using the original contractor, and still make money.
...but nice one, Hedberg
Bold-faced lie ... I would be very tempted to ask the client if you could try to download the program anyway. You might get lucky. But it could also be loaded with a password, or loaded without source, in which case you would in fact be stuck either starting over or going back to the original programmer.