Jandy Fahrenheit - Celsius

I have to control a Jandy RSLink, and I'm integrating the Jandy module v1.6 in my main code.
I noticed that the set points on the Module are defined as Lowest-34 and Highest-104, well that's deffinetly Fahrenheit.
I didn't had any close contact with the RSLink interface yet, so I have no idea if that has a configuration between C? and F. So if it does have, is there any big changes I have to make on this module, or just ajust these Lowest/Highest SetPoints?
Andr? Ludgero
I have to control a Jandy RSLink, and I'm integrating the Jandy module v1.6 in my main code.
I noticed that the set points on the Module are defined as Lowest-34 and Highest-104, well that's deffinetly Fahrenheit.
I didn't had any close contact with the RSLink interface yet, so I have no idea if that has a configuration between C? and F. So if it does have, is there any big changes I have to make on this module, or just ajust these Lowest/Highest SetPoints?
Andr? Ludgero
So if your Jandy is in Celsius mode, changing the set point limits should suffice.
I'll have to check that out when I'm on the place itself.
In the meanwhile, I just changed the setpoints limits.
I'm using a RS-232/422/485++ AMX Box for comunication with the RSLink 232 Interface.
When I turn the interface ON, all I get from the interface are these 3 lines:
Line 57 :: String From [80:1:1]-[x$FC$00$80x$00$80x$C0x<$00x$C0$F8x$00$80x<$E0x$00$80$00x<$E0$80x$FC$F8x$00$80x<$1E$FFx$FC$00x$00$F8x$FC$80x$00$80$80$80x<$FE$80x<$00$80$F8$80x] - 12:52:43
Line 58 :: String From [80:1:1]-[<$1E$0F$F8x$C0$80x<$E0$F8x<$00x$00$F8x$00$80x$00x$00$80x<$00x$00x$00$F8x<$1E$F0x$C0$80x$00x$C0$00$80$80$80x<$1E$0F$F8x$C0$F8x$00$80$F8$00x$00$80] - 12:52:43
Line 59 :: String From [80:1:1]-[x$00$80x$FC$00$80x$00] - 12:52:43
I'm using a pins 2, 3 and 5 from DB9 (Rx, Tx, and Ground)
Is there the need of a diferent connection? Trying with RTS and CTS but also no bright results :-\
The module keeps polling the interface each second for the diferent info, but no response is given after those 3 first lines.
Anyone got the same already?
I'm attaching the Jandy manual, you may find it helpful.
Altho it refuses to work eheh.
We passed thru all manual countless times to understand whats happening, but nothing.
I wonder if I'm still connecting this wrong, since we're using a AXB-232++ with those Phoenix connections.
In the RSLink Interface we have:
6- (no info, I suppose its a only a steady IO signal)
In the AXB-232++ we have:
1- Ground
2- RxD
3- TxD
4- +12V
5- Rx-
6- Rx+
7- Tx-
8- Tx+
9- Ground
10- CTS
11 - RTS
12 -
Any hints on how to connect these two?
I've read on the technotes http://www.amx.com/techsupport/techNote.asp?id=516 that I must activate Hardware Handshaking with the command:
Already done this as well.
At the moment, all that I can get is, reboot the RSLink 232 Interface and get this info from the device:
Line 213 :: String From [80:1:1]-[$0D$0AJandy Products RS ] - 17:13:44
Line 214 :: String From [80:1:1]-[Serial Adapter, Rev C01$0D$0A] - 17:13:45
the Module then starts quering the interface:
Line 215 :: String To [80:1:1]-[#SOLHT?$0D] - 17:13:46
Line 216 :: String To [80:1:1]-[#SOLTMP?$0D] - 17:13:46
Line 217 :: String To [80:1:1]-[#AIRTMP?$0D] - 17:13:46
But no response as for now :-\
I suppose I'm close, I can already smell it, but, can't see it.
Being really annoing as for now :-\ Today is the last day of the trip to solve this.
Any hints at all, will be highly apreciated.
Thank you.
Does the Aqualink work connected directly to a computer with Hyperterminal ? Could the problem be with that?
But to show it wasn't, a Jandy installer connected a display of theyr on, on the Serial adapter side of the Aqualink conection, to test if there was communication getting there, and that worked ok.
Seems maybe like a malfunction with this Adapter I suppose. And that would be honestly frustrating, after waiting 2months for it to get here to Portugal :P
Thanks for the reply, altho to be honest they'r like 2-3meters away from each other.
To avoid that problem we ran the AX-Link from the NI4000 to the axb-232++ and mounted both near one each other, and also near the Jandy controller. They may have around 3m distance away from each others.
I think that distance should be short enough.
Could try to shortener this even more, altho I don't think that would be the problem in this case I'm afraid.
Connecting directly to a computer thru Hyper terminal we were able to comunicate with the RSLink Serial Adapter from Jandy.
It's really a problem with the AXB-232++ then I suppose.
In both cases, it was not a code issue nor the box not working.
I ended up putting them on things that were less intense about communications (non-polling devices)
Well I would love to connect the cable directly to the NI itself, but its like 50-60m away.
I believe that a distance like this would be terrible for an rs232 control, if possible at all.
For RS-232, yes. But the Aqualink wire can go that distance if you are willing to relocate it. That's how I have it working - the Aqualinks are right in the rack with the NetLinx, and their wiring is what goes the distance to the actual pool controls.
I'll check that out, to see if we manage to pass a new cable thru the grass tubes.
Didn't knew the Aqualink could run that far.
Thats why I had this rs232 so close to the Jandy controllers themselves (was kinda concerned with the humidity issues, even it beeing on a sealed box).
It's just a Jandy keypad with an RS-232 port instead of buttons. It will run as far as any other keypad will, and subject to the same wiring considerations.
I installed the RS-Link adapter on the rack and connected directly to the controller.
Everything worked great like this! Thank you very much!