USB LAN / R4 Connection Problem

I'm having serious problems getting connected to R4 remotes. Here's what happens:
First time or two that I connect via USB and upload from TPD4, no problem!
After my first two freebies when I connect the R4 to USB I get the little LAN icon in my task bar and it does the 'Acquiring network address' animation and eventually times out and shows the 'Limited or no connectivity' message and I have no access to the R4 through TPD4 or NS.
I spent 45 minutes once plugging and unplugging the R4 before it eventually showed up in TPD4!
Has anyone else experienced this problem and if so how did you fix it?
AMX says it's probably my computers USB drivers causing the issue but I don't find any newer drivers for my Gateway laptop.
First time or two that I connect via USB and upload from TPD4, no problem!
After my first two freebies when I connect the R4 to USB I get the little LAN icon in my task bar and it does the 'Acquiring network address' animation and eventually times out and shows the 'Limited or no connectivity' message and I have no access to the R4 through TPD4 or NS.
I spent 45 minutes once plugging and unplugging the R4 before it eventually showed up in TPD4!
Has anyone else experienced this problem and if so how did you fix it?
AMX says it's probably my computers USB drivers causing the issue but I don't find any newer drivers for my Gateway laptop.
- use the newest firmware for the R4 (including ZigBee)
- switch off the windows firewall or add a rule for the AMX software (there's a tech note that describes the necessary steps)
- make sure to install the USB LAN driver prior to plug in the R4 for the first time.
- to connect to the R4 you must set up T4 Design or NS2 to use a virtual connection to the NetLinx Master
- When set up your R4 to use USB instead of Mesh you must reboot the R4 before you can connect to it.
If you haven't already updated to the AMX USBLAN driver v, you should go ahead and do so. As well as installing an updated driver, it also uninstalls previous version(s) of the USBLAN driver.
The tips in the post above are valid and you should follow them. I would also add that you should set the Sleep Timeout to zero (or the Display Timeout if you have "Sleep on Display Timeout" enabled). This setting can be found in Setup under "Remote and Display Settings".
Ive never been able to get it to work. I spent plenty of time with tech support and we eventually gave up. One of my co-workers has the exact same problem you are desribing. Another one of my co-workers is using Vista and it works flawlessly. Go figure!!!
If you get to that point this thread may help.
Like I said I have connected successfully to R4's so I know all about setting up virtual netlinx master. I have set the timeout to 0 and even found that keeping it the charger when connecting as recommended doesn't help me.
I'm going to try to find updated USB drivers for my laptop even though I ran a driver updating utility from Gateway and it said the laptop was up to date.
If I solve the problem I will post the fix even though it looks like no one else has this issue.
Slight bump.
Wow, I forgot how terrible it is to connect a device to the USB LAN / Vitual AMX Master for downloading TP files. I just started out with an R-4 and found it to be finicky as all hell, just like the Modero panels (that's why I always use Ethernet to do everything). I am on a different laptop now, but the connection lameness persists. I would have hoped that AMX had fixed this USB LAN thing once and for all; and you all know what assumptions can do to you.
I have followed all the reboot and firmware procedures etc as noted above, to no avail. Yes, I do randomly get connections to the R-4 via virtual AMX master, but there is no repeating it. Fiddling with this has wasted quite a bit of time.
If anyone (hello AMX?) figures out a step-by-step procedure to ensure a connection of a Modero/R-4 to the virtual master, and posts it here, they would have 7 years of good luck. Unless of course they forgot to forward this information to 11 of their bestest friends.
Oh yeah, if you need to actually get the latest USB LAN Driver, don't bother looking in the right places, it's over here in this download location [Application Files/Netlinx Design Tools]:
And the latest version is
In TP4 2.9, I can't even get an R4 online for the life of me. I have had nothing but crashing to desktop when I just try to connect to a virtual master. I've been through tech support, gave them all of my log files etc. etc. When I have connected successfully to the Vir. Mstr, the R4 will not connect. Tech support said something to the effect that the R4 gives up after 5 minutes of trying to connect so a reboot of the R4 is required. Seems to me that 2.9 needs a little more work which is why I'm stuck at 2.8 right now.
I've done about a dozen of these guys. Sometimes the USB connection works, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I fight it for an hour and win. Today I'm about 8 hours into it and no love. I won't sell another one. I'm sure it's a 50/50 thing. Windows sucks.
But this is the only USB device that I can't get to work on my laptop. Excuse my flame post, but this is just way too frustrating. I've got 6 of these turds that I have to make work.
Thanks for your reply. I've tried everything that I've found on this forum and the tech notes section, multiple USB cables etc...
I've gone all the way down to the registry when uninstalling. The USB does connect sometimes.
Then whatever procedure I'm attempting will sometimes start, then hang. This ranges from a simple panel design load to my attempt to upgrade firmware.
Today, I start trying different computers. I'm still upset about loosing a Saturday to this and getting nowhere. I've been an AMX dealer for 10 years or so, and I'm primarily a programmer, so I know most of the hoops that have to be jumped through. I'm also close enough to Microsoft to drive over there and stick my tongue out at them. Hmmm, that might make me feel better
Windows 7.. so far I have had really good luck with 7 and like I said I have connected to many R4s already on this computer.
Change the IP address on the adapter.
Disable other adapters, even if they're not in use.
Throw it against a wall a few times.
Sometimes it's a total PITA to get this working.
I had just re-installed Windows 7 64 bit, which I've been using for well over a year or so, and I've connected to R4s fine. However, I was not able to after this reload. I searched the forums for similar issues (Windows 7 R4 USB, etc...), and after reading this, tried the firewall trick, which worked perfectly.
Go to Control Panel->System and Security->Windows Firewall->Advanced Settings (in left window). Click on "Inbound Rules" in the left panel. Scroll down to find all instances of "Netlinx Studio Application" and "TPDesign4 3.1". Double-click or right-click->properties to change all instances to "Allow the connection". Some of my instances were set to allow, some were not. When all were set to allow connections, the R4 showed up perfect.
I can't thank you enough for posting this. Been banging my head against the wall for 2 hours. Changed the settings in Windows Firewall and there shows up my R4.
I got the USB driver to install and work reliably when I installed the USB driver in Windows XP Service pack 3 Compatibility mode