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Metreau MET-6N!

Wow, I got a VERY nice surprise (depending on how you look at it) when I (and by I, I mean one of the other guys here) connected the MET-6N keypads to a processor for an upcoming job. He was fairly confused because there were twice as many Axlink devices showing in the online tree as we have. I came over to the build area and I saw what he was talking about. It appeared that each keypad had two addresses, the second one was 1 higher than the set address. I automatically thought that there might be a second device built into the keypads that I had overlooked. I zipped over to amx.com and grabbed the Instruction Manual. Buried in the programming section I found this:
The MET-6N will appear as two devices in the Devices frame, because it?s built-in IR Receiver, is
recognized as a separate online device.
The Device Address of the IR Receiver is always one number higher than the device number of the
keypad itself (to which the firmware is uploaded).

I also verified that the IR receiver does respond to the standard AMX IR codes.

Am I the only one that did not realize that the 6N included an IR receiver?



  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    At least your guys were shipped hardware to install the piece. Our guys just got the keypad and no phoenix connectors, no screws . . . nothing, I wonder if only we received the special treatment, and it appears so. ;)

    But interesting it has an IR receiver built in. Though I thought on the manual it also said one of those connectors is reserved for future usage. I think we'll have to wait and see. :D
  • TurnipTruckTurnipTruck Posts: 1,485
    I got a 6N a few weeks ago but haven't had a chance to play with it yet. I also had no idea about the IR RX. Now as I look behind the pc board I do see what appears to be an IR receiver. Maybe a future use? Maybe part of another configuration of the device on the same pc board? Maybe we can't handle the truth?
  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    The IR receiver does function properly. I tried it out :) There are three phoenix connectors on the back, only one is used for Axlink. The other two are for use with the Matrix/Tango stuff. The connector for the axlink was in a little baggy inside the box along with the mounting screws. Either they forgot to put yours in, or possibly, someone misplaced them (like in the trash... /me raises guilty hand).

    The IR receiver is documented, it's just not what I would call well documented. The really opens up some options for room based control. Also, be careful as the IR receivers seem to be very good at picking up signal, so be careful when putting two receivers in the same room for different areas... even if they are on different walls. (This great reception may also be because I only have the keypads setup in a test area and they are not mounted in a wall.)

  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    Here is a reply I sent in response to a PM I received. I decided to post it because it has some common questions.

    - It's buttons are Engraved, or Printed?

    The buttons are silk screened or something. I did take my finger and try to scratch the label off and it did not show any signs of distress. I would guess that heavy use would eventually wear the buttons down, but, they seem to be easy enough to replace.

    - Do these buttons has a backlight, like the Mio Elite series, so that buttons text is quite visible in the dark?

    No, there is a blue LED on the top center of each button, but it does not seem to illuminate the text very well (Put my head under a blanket and looked :) ). This may not be completely accurate as my eyes were not completely adjusted to the darkness, but I will try to check this out over the next few days as I will most likely be working late.

    - Does these buttons can provide channel feedback.

    The LEDs are set according to channel feedback.

    - Anything else you can share?

    The 6N keypads have a built in IR receiver that accepts standard AMX IR codes (such as from the R1). Be careful tho, the IR receiver has it's own AXLINK address and it can not be disabled.

    Hope this helps,
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159

    The MET-6N is my favorite keypad since the MSP8. I think it?s one of the biggest bangs for the buck as you get a 13 button keypad, an LED display for volume level, AND an IR receiver for less than the cost of an MVP kickstand. :) I?ve been told that the button kits cost more than the keypad itself right now but I?ve also been told that the button kit process is under review so that may change.

    If anyone has problems with the channel feedback not working correctly you may want to check out the following thread. AFAIK the firmware bug has not been fixed yet.

  • shr00m-dewshr00m-dew Posts: 394
    FYI, the button kit still costs a crazy amount, but the individual buttons are now available for $2 a piece.
    Sales rep is going to check again why you can order every button available cheaper individually then in the kit.

    Kevin D.
  • travtrav Posts: 188

    I always laugh when people say "MVP Kickstand"

    Funniest, Joke EVER.
  • where is the docs?

    how do I know what the level limits are? is it documented somewhere?
  • TurnipTruckTurnipTruck Posts: 1,485
    Level for 6N is 0-255
  • TechFreakTechFreak Posts: 39
    Level for 6N is 0-255

    Can you send the keypad a send_level command to have it match a volume level for that zone?

    Is this level #1 for the keypad device ID?

    Frank Krauch
    MIW Integration
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    TechFreak wrote: »
    Can you send the keypad a send_level command to have it match a volume level for that zone?
    Sure, that's the standard way to go. You can send the level for whatever reason you want.
    TechFreak wrote: »
    Is this level #1 for the keypad device ID?
  • trobertstroberts Posts: 228
    Can anyone confirm for me that the MET-6N will work on an Axcent3 system? I would assume that it would, since it is an axlink device, but since Axcent firmware predates the keypad I just wonder if there are any issues on an Axcent 2 or 3 system.
  • It should work just fine on an any Axcess system.
  • trobertstroberts Posts: 228
    Confirmed the metreau worked on an old Axcent3 system, but seems to be screwing with the axlink bus. I thought it was a power issue, but all other voltage checks out at each of my MSP32s. Just to be safe I added another power supply to power the additional metreau keypads and still the same result. Any ideas?
    By the way the metreau keypads show up as an unknown device in the online tree and in a debug session, although I assume that does not matter.
  • MET-6N

    Remember, the MET-6N uses two AxLink addresses. If the first one is 128, the second one is 129.
  • trobertstroberts Posts: 228
    Ahhh....I am sure that is the issue. Thank you so much Tom
  • MET-6N

    No problem. Did the same thing myself!
  • troberts wrote: »
    By the way the metreau keypads show up as an unknown device in the online tree and in a debug session, although I assume that does not matter.

    It's normal. Since the keypads are newer (by about a decade) than the Axcent3, the Axcent3 master does not recognize the Device IDs the keypads report. All it affects is the info shown in the terminal. And as stated before, make sure there is no overlap between any device numbers on Axlink. The Metreau keypads use the device number they are set to by the DIP switch for the buttons and wheel, AND the next sequential address for the IR receiver.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    tom goez wrote: »
    Remember, the MET-6N uses two AxLink addresses. If the first one is 128, the second one is 129.

    The pair of numbers used depends on the DIP SWITCHES of course. But whatever you set, that's the number for the BUTTONS... the IR pickup follows at the next higher number. Don't try to use that number for another unit, skip over it when addressing the next keypad.

    Note also that the AMX DIPSWITCH application that shows you the number for each setting... is UPSIDE DOWN from the way the METREAU addresses. So always check in NetLinx Studio when the keypad is attached to see for SURE where you addressed it.
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