Visual Architect Software Install
I am installing the visual architect software but it needs a serial number to reterieve license, does any one know where can I obtain the serial number.
I am installing the visual architect software but it needs a serial number to reterieve license, does any one know where can I obtain the serial number.
Kevin D.
VisualArchitect is distributed initially through CD. Each CD has a license printed on the case and may be used on only one PC. A license may be reset quickly by calling AMX Customer Service at
800.222.0193 option 2
+1.469.624.8000 option 2
Dealers may order new discs (FG3002-21) at no cost.
Updates to exsiting installations my be done from VisualArchitect toolbar - Help/WebUpdate
A new release of VA 1.4 will be going out next week.
Doug Hall
AMX Product Manager - Software