about c_bus feedback message
I use the RS232 method not Ethernet.
I want to get c_bus?s feedback ,but I have not got feedback message like ?'K:P:[32:38:04]'?,I want to know which command was sent could get this feedback message, and i use the Channel Feedback,and also no use.
channel_event[vLight, 18]
on: on [dvTP, channel.channel]
off: off [dvTP, channel.channel]
this also no use
[dvTP, 21] = [vLight,$A9] // group address A9 on local network, app 38
[dvTP, 22] = [vLight,$AA] // group address AA on local network,
can anyone help me?thanks!
I want to get c_bus?s feedback ,but I have not got feedback message like ?'K:P:[32:38:04]'?,I want to know which command was sent could get this feedback message, and i use the Channel Feedback,and also no use.
channel_event[vLight, 18]
on: on [dvTP, channel.channel]
off: off [dvTP, channel.channel]
this also no use
[dvTP, 21] = [vLight,$A9] // group address A9 on local network, app 38
[dvTP, 22] = [vLight,$AA] // group address AA on local network,
can anyone help me?thanks!
From memory you cannot stop the feed back so it should work, are you getting any control of the cbus ?
should i buy some devices about feedback? if i don't buy it ,it will not feedback? or should i setting the cbus about feedback someing? i don't know it.
Yes, i can control cbus via AMx. Thing is i would like to get feedback on the amx system. IE, say someone used a cbus keypad at basement to turn off the light, i'd like the amx panel to display that also. Now i could only send command to the clipsal to control them, but whenever someone else use the clipsal system via anything other than the AMX panel, i would not see the real status of the system from amx panel.
For example, i send "'STATUS:38'", it will return "C-BUS ERROR=FAILED RETRANSMISSION", or if i send "'VERSION?'" it will return "'C-BUS ERROR=FAILED RETRANSMISSION" also and so on.
If we send on/off etc command, it works fine.
Anyhelp greatly appreciated esp xrmichael
Here is a copy of the notifications after sending VERSION? then STATUS:38 then turning off/on some lights from a cbus switch.
Just realized that my application here is on 3A. Tried sending STATUS:3A this time and got a whole lot of responses from Cbus as to the current state of all the group addresses on the network.
I have posted my initializations recently so have a look at that as to how my system is setup to handle input from the module.
Make sure your virtual device is set for 3300x (mine here is using 33007) and that you are sending COMMANDS and not strings to the device.
Note that the module returns STRINGS not commands. Any commands from the module are just echos of commands that you have sent it.
And read the doc file that comes with the module. It is very detailed and contains all the info you need to set it up.
I have used this module on many many sites without any issues so I'm unsure why your having problems with it. Only thing I can think of is that you have something basic in your setup incorrect.
some example send strings
send_command vdvCbus,"'K:P:[00:3A:02]:T'";
send_command vdvCbus,"'K:P:[00:3A:01]:T'";
[dvTP, 21] = [vLight,$A9] // group address A9 on local network, app 38
[dvTP, 22] = [vLight,$AA] // group address AA on local network, app 38
[dvTP, 23] = [vLight,$AB] // group address AB on local network, app 38
[dvTP, 24] = [vLight,$AC] // group address AC on local network, app 38
the code above ,i think it's should work,but it not.i think whether should i not setting on the cbus something???
So long as you have a key input with a Group Address programmed to an output unit (dimmer/relay etc) with the same Group Address you should be fine.
You could try re-sending the INITIALISE command as this should correctly setup the cbus interface for AMX two way communication.
what means that the input and output with the same Group Address ?can you give me example ?
and should i send command 'INITIALISE' that will C-Bus communications to be reset?and you said that your application is 3A,i don't know how get the AP, whether is my AP 38,i really don't know ,can you tell me how can i know my AP is what ??thanks
As an example you should have a group address (GA for short) in the cbus switch (key input) called "Front Lights" or something similar.
You should then have this same GA in an relay (output unit) channel.
As for the Application Address in cbus the default Application is 56 (decimal) which is 38 in hex.
The site I'm working on is large so it has multiple Applications. On this particular network I'm using 3A hex.
You can confirm Group Addresses and Application Addresses from within the Cbus programming software.
AMX will send INITIALISE on bootup. Maybe this is happening too early for some reason. Just try it using the diagnostics tools from within studio.
Yes. sounds like the GA setting is fine.
if (data.text == ?K:P:[32:38:04]?)
8888888 }
if (data.text == ?K:R:[32:38:04]?)
8888 }
this code i write it ,but data.text never will appear the thing that i want to know ,has any should i note ?thanks
I would use "K:P:[00:38:04]" unless your trying to talk/listen to cbus on a remote network address.
Other then that it looks fine. What does studio show when you turn on diagnostics?
how can i get feedback message like "K:P:[00:38:04]" ? thanks
Which port is your cbus actually connected to? is it 5002:7:2?
What cable are you using?
now i use the virtual cbus module is on 33001:1:2 . the cbus actually connected to 5002:7:2.
and this is my code:
and i have another problem why always appear this message.33015 i have not define it .why always appear it.
'Line 12 (14:25:23):: Command From [33015:1:1]-[REQUEST_REMOTE_UI_MODE?]
Line 13 (14:25:33):: Command From [33015:1:1]-[REQUEST_REMOTE_UI_MODE?]
Line 14 (14:25:43):: Command From [33015:1:1]-[REQUEST_REMOTE_UI_MODE?]
Line 15 (14:25:53):: Command From [33015:1:1]-[REQUEST_REMOTE_UI_MODE?]'
and i have not see the message like 'string from [5002:1:2]*******',so i think we have not get the cbus(5002:1:2) feedback.
i will check the cable later,too.i hope the wiring interconnection is right .
i have a c-bus ,but i don't know its network number ,how can i get its network number and set it again,thank you!
If the cbus interface is on the same network as the relays/dimmers then just use network [00:38:7E] (the 00 in this example).
Otherwise ask the cbus installer for the details.
Ah thats fantastic news yanghua. Hope the rest of the job goes much smoother for you from here on in :-)