Feedback to Multipe Panels
I am for some reason having trouble with getting button feedback on multiple touch panels.
I've defined my array properly I think.
and then turned a button on with...
It works on one panel (NXD-700vi) but not the other (MVP-5200i). If I take the NXD-700vi (dvTP_OFFICE_CHANGER) out of the array and only have dvTP_CHANGER in the array my feedback works fine for the MVP-5200i.
When I put the second touch panel back in it stops working on the first. Anybody have any idea what is going on? Also, occasionally the button that is supposed to be in the on position on the MVP-5200i will flash for a brief moment. I've been messing with this for too long. Help.
I've defined my array properly I think.
and then turned a button on with...
It works on one panel (NXD-700vi) but not the other (MVP-5200i). If I take the NXD-700vi (dvTP_OFFICE_CHANGER) out of the array and only have dvTP_CHANGER in the array my feedback works fine for the MVP-5200i.
When I put the second touch panel back in it stops working on the first. Anybody have any idea what is going on? Also, occasionally the button that is supposed to be in the on position on the MVP-5200i will flash for a brief moment. I've been messing with this for too long. Help.
I've always done it like this:
There is no problem with the array, it should work fine. You should post the code for the device definitions and any mutually exclusive, define_combine or define_program code too though. If you are seeing it briefly flash for a second then it is getting turned on, but then turned off probably in define_program, or from a mutex conflict. But your code should work fine without the need for any for loops.
Actually, it doesn't turn on and then off. It flickers. It will be on for an instant then off for a while then flicker on then back off. Very weird.
The below is in the include file...
I've made some changes to the function above since the last time I exported the file to my thumb drive but this doesn't work either. All of the changes I have made are related to updating variables.
Hopefully this isn't overkill on information. Thanks!
If you want to use mutually exclusive, I think you need to define sets for all the touch panels discreetly. Could be wrong, but that's my recollection, and one of the reasons that I never use mutually exclusive.
Oh. mutex. Now I get it. Looks like we both see the same problem.
I was trying to find the mute section in his code.
Seems to have fixed the problem. Thanks everyone for your help.
Any idea why you can't put the array in the mutually exclusive statement?
By the way
it's much easier to type.
I would think the reason for not allowing arrays in a Mutually_Exclusive is that with a device, you're talking about 'any one item of a given set' That's easy enough to understand. However, with an array cell as one of the 'any one item' the logic gets a little fuzzy.
For example
So , does this mean:
A) any of [dev_array,1] equals not(!) 'all of'[dev_array,2]
in this case any member of the array with channel 1 on will turn off all member's channel 2.
[dev_array[1],1] equals not(!) [dev_array[1],2]
[dev_array[2],1] equals not(!) [dev_array[2],2]
What the programmer intends gets a little fuzzy.
That's just a thought. I don't know for sure.