set popup position with NetLinx
Is there a command or something to set a popup "Top" and "Left" position with NetLinx???
Thanks to all and salutes!!!
Is there a command or something to set a popup "Top" and "Left" position with NetLinx???
Thanks to all and salutes!!!
Barring that, AMX can we please have a command to set the position of popup pages on G4 Panels?
You can actually move a button on a popup OUT of the popup's region using this command. I haven't researched the consqeuences of doing so however.
I would have to think buttons only. I'd gladly be wrong, however.
If I get some free time this week, I will try it out.
I?ve tried the ^BMF command, but i couldn?t make it work with a pop-up.... if some of you try it, please tell me.
In any case, many thanks for your responses!!