Hi there,
I have a NI-3000 just recently service from a customer but I can't connect to the unit using the program port at the back, I have tried to change the baud rate but its still not connecting. Did somebody had encounter it before.
I have a NI-3000 just recently service from a customer but I can't connect to the unit using the program port at the back, I have tried to change the baud rate but its still not connecting. Did somebody had encounter it before.
Had something similar just happen with an NI-3100. If it's set for DHCP, you can connect it to a network with a DHCP server, and then use the Listen funtion to sniff out the IP (Communication settings/Edit Settings).
It turns out that my box was cooked. I hope yours is ok, and that this helped you out.
It seems the LED Status(Green) is on , Output(red) is normal, Input(yellow) is normal..
did you able to try when your ip was set to static
Alternatively AMX tech support should be able to help you out.
If you have a search around the forums you'll be able to find some how-to's on doing the card imaging.
Well I have to contact tech support, Thanks for the info PhreaK...