OT: Windows 7 & AMX Programs

Just to give you all a heads up - it appears that our beloved AMX programs can run on Windows 7. I just installed Beta 1 on a test box I have here (which is HORRIBLY slow with only 512MB and a 1.3 Ghz processor - it's ancient) but was able to install NS2 & TPD4. I haven't been able to fully test them out, but from what I"ve read, Win7 will not support any more XP programs than what Vista does. So - it would appear if that is true, AMX will need to develop Vista / Win 7 complient programs (although most seem to run without a hitch - for me anyway.)
Anywho - if anyone here is running Beta 1 and actually on a working machine, please post here to keep us updated. I'm still debating whether or not to install it as my "primary" OS on my "real" computer.
Anywho - if anyone here is running Beta 1 and actually on a working machine, please post here to keep us updated. I'm still debating whether or not to install it as my "primary" OS on my "real" computer.
Any advantage to upgrading? I can find reasons why not to upgrade but haven't been able to convince myself that the pros out number the cons.
Apparently the "requirements" are going to be no different than Vista's. From some of the review's I've read so far, Win 7 is what Vista was supposed to be (considering they pretty much started over on development of Vista 2 years before its RTM.)
On my home system I have been able to install and start up File Transfer, Panel Builder, NS Diagnostics, Studio, and TPD4.
IRedit wouldn't install and Dip Switch wouldn't start.
I have compiled and code and transfered it to a panel, but haven't been able to test much more than that. I should know more tomorrow after spending the day in the office.
- Pete
In case any of you are wondering, I have my real laptop harddrive with me in the van and it will only require a 2 minute HD swap to get my work computer back up and running XP if I need to do some serious work.
I had that problem with W2K3 server.
Visual Architect wouldn't install and I receive an error at NetLinx opening: This special version has expired june 1st 2009.
It sounds like you have a beta version of the NetLinx Studio software. Try downloading the latest release from the AMX Website.
Took a major power surge a few weeks ago which fried several things in my office.
Since I had to replace my desktop system figured I would upgrade to Win7 64 bit at the same time.
It took a little bit to adjust to Win7 after using XP for so many years but overall I'm very happy with it.
Very stable and runs smooth.
I have installed & used some of my AMX apps.
TPdesign4 2.11 and Studio both work great.
In fact they seem a bit more stable then on my old XP system.
I had 4 instances of NS running along with TP4 with 6 large files open at the same time and the only hiccup was TP4 scrambled some graphics once.
I closed TP4 without saving & reopened and all was well.
However there are a couple apps I can't install.
IR Edit & G4 Panel preview won't install at all, they keep telling me I need SP3 or Win2000. (Tried installing in Admin mode)
You would think since Vista has been out for so long they would be compatible with Vista at the very least?
Any suggestions or does anyone know if AMX has plan up updating soon?
I sure miss my Panel preview.
I don't have Win 7 installed on any computer (I quickly abandoned it), so I'm just grasping for straws here; but I think when Vista was in testing I had to do that for some AMX programs to install - not sure; it's a suggestion.
You need to manually configure them to install using compatibility mode. I forget which mode I used, but there are options for Vista, XP SP3, SP2, SP1, etc. Just try the different modes until you get one to install correctly.
Tested both out and they seem to work fine.
Thanks guys!
While everything seems to work good in windows 7 I did find one isue so far. After compiling a program that included a Polycom module the module failed to work at all. Everything compiled and loaded without error but after three tries i whipped out my Win XP hard drive and ta-da! the world was right again. Long Live XP!
BTW I used Windows 7 RC 7100
Have been working with this for a few weeks on my work laptop dual booted. Done a few installs and everything so far works great with Win 7. I have XP on it as well just in case but so far haven't NEEDED to switch to XP.
As far as I can tell all my AMX software works great with Win 7.
I don't know who uses the hyperterminal like me to test IP and serial strings, but if you do, there is another point to not upgrade
It wasn't in Vista either. You can download the Hyperterminal Private Edition for free from their web site.
I am using Windows 7 as well and ran into problems with the USB Lan driver. I found this problem while trying to update an R4. Have you run into the same?
I can't install IR edit, I tried every compatibility mode, uninstalled .NET, re-installed it, tried rolling back to a previous .NET version, and I keep getting the same problem during install, "Requires .Net 1.1 or higher.."
I've had no problems with the R4 USB LAN, transferred firmware and a project to it. But I did have to install the USB Lan in compatibility mode.
Is there an official AMX response to Windows 7?
I don't think they ever 'officially' gave the blessing to Vista.
No, they didn't, though everything but Panel Preview seems to work fine in Vista.
I have had similar issues with other types of program ... for example, I just installed something the other day (non-AMX) that insisted I didn't have DirectX 10 installed and wanted to add it, even though Vista had enabled DirectX 11. That is what comes of checking for an exact version number instead of >= .
Any feedback on the R4 drivers for win7?
I know this did not work with Win7 RC, but I haven't tried on the official release yet.
Also, has anyone found a USB -> Serial adapter that works with win 7? I have tried a couple, but have not had success.
Did you run the IREdit - System Files executable before you tried to install IREdit?
I just noticed it while browsing applications and it's description says:
This file will install all of the Windows components necessary to install and run IREdit v1.1. NOTE: IREdit System Files must be installed prior to installing the IREdit application.
If you've got bluetooth grab yourself one of these. Physical cables are sooo 1999
The solution was to create an exception for all Netlinx apps (NS2, TPD4, USB Lan) on both the public and private network columns in the windows firewall.
Just a quick note in case anyone else ran into issues.
Did you get Window 7 to run the USB R4 driver or our you using the XP mode?
If it is Window 7, can you explain how.
I do have USB lan working with win7 (ultimate 32 bit). I think I had to install the USB Lan drivers in vista compatibility mode, and then add the firewall exceptions for NS2 and TPD4.
I have found that webupdate does not work well for installing the AMX applications in Win7 as it does not let the OS properly check/prompt for compatibility issues or proper installation. Because of this I have been downloading and installing the programs manually.
I have been programming R4 jobs and updating the firmware on R4's, gateways, NI masters, moderos, etc all from windows 7. I feel I wasted some money in paying for Win7 Ultimate to get the XP mode because I haven't even needed to install XP Virtual PC.