Netlinx Studio 3.3 issues updating processor Firmware?
This weekend, I upgraded Netlinx studio to the most recent 3.3 version, and today (Monday) I was in the field installing programming for a new project.
Typically one of the first things that I do is address the processors and update firmware. For several months, I've been installing the 3.60.453 version on processors using the latest 3.2 version of Netlinx studio without any issues. I did such an update on a processor in the field on Thursday of last week, in fact.
Today, however, after upgrading the firmware on a NI-4100 (brand new) and a NI-2100 (a 'spare' that came from a previous project, known to be working) using Netlinx Studio version 3.3, neither processor came back online. After power cycling the processors, the LEDs dance around, but the status light never lights up. It was impossible to connect via RS-232 or Ethernet. After a call with AMX tech support, ultimately both processors were RMA'd.
Has anyone here seen issues like these with 3.3?
Typically one of the first things that I do is address the processors and update firmware. For several months, I've been installing the 3.60.453 version on processors using the latest 3.2 version of Netlinx studio without any issues. I did such an update on a processor in the field on Thursday of last week, in fact.
Today, however, after upgrading the firmware on a NI-4100 (brand new) and a NI-2100 (a 'spare' that came from a previous project, known to be working) using Netlinx Studio version 3.3, neither processor came back online. After power cycling the processors, the LEDs dance around, but the status light never lights up. It was impossible to connect via RS-232 or Ethernet. After a call with AMX tech support, ultimately both processors were RMA'd.
Has anyone here seen issues like these with 3.3?
I was using tcp/ip and uploading the tkn. It likely isn't related to what you have experienced but I thought I would mention it, since if the firmware gets upgraded, but no reboot happens, I'm not sure what the result would be.
I've done a couple firmwares since going Win7/64 (with the new Studio), and so have others in our group. No issues to report, no fresh bricks here.
Thanks for the responses. Since my experience seems to be unique, I will try reinstalling. I was using TCP/IP to upload the firmware in both cases, and I was using Windows XP/32. I might also try turning off the Windows firewall just in case it's doing something.