Program Control of Popup Location...
Is there a command to set the location of a popup from Netlinx? I can find commands to change the show/hide effects locations but not the default location. I have a message dialog that I'd like to load based on location of the button pressed. Swear I've seen this before but can't find it...
yea, I may have to do that, although I've multiple buttons in the window which may be shown, or not, depending upon context. Kind of a pain having to create maps for every possible location.
This should be a NetLinx Enhancement Request.
Can someone @ AMX put this in as a requested change.
I played with those commands as well. The popup position did not change no matter what I did.
Does anyone know what these functions do?
"'@PHP-<popup page name>;<X coordinate>,<Y coordinate>'"
"'@PSE-<popup page name>;<show effect name>'"
I made the calls and nothing changed at all.
Probably exactly what they look like, but only on specific panels and firmware revisions. Wouldn't shock me if they only apply to the new superwide ones. On the bright side, such additions usually find their way to older modules in a firmware revision, as long as the hardware can support it.
PHP changes the Hide Effect position, and PSE changes the Show Effect Type. There are also commands for Show Effect position, and Hide Effect type, so make sure you are using the right ones.
Unfortunately, the position commands don't change where the popup ultimately ends up (where you place it in TP4 is where it stays), but where it "goes to" or "comes from" when you show or hide it. So if your popup is at position 50,30 and the Show Effect is "Slide from Top" and the Show Effect Position is set at 30 then the popup will appear to Slide in from it's top edge. This is great for making "drawers" and drop down menus.
The show and hide effects work on most of the TPs I use (Modero, MVP) with current firmware.
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I am sure there is an individual command for it, but I use it with BMF - it's the R (set rectangle I think?) attribute.
As I think about this, I *think* I've tried this on a popup with a variable address and was able to move it around, though cannot confirm at the moment.
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Personnally I don't put pics on TPs any more since I don't want them on when they're not in use. Too expensive to burn out so unless it's on an iPad I wouldn't bother. If you limit this to the customer having to actively select the feature it wouldn't be so bad but I used to do mine so that it started any time the panel was inactive and that's not good.