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Example of a Room Usage Report?


Help me "seal a deal" please... :)

Does anyone have an example of a Report from RMS?

Spesifically a report showing "who have booked/used different rooms" over a time period.
And number one wish, in Xcell format!
I`ve looked true the RMS.AdministratorsGuide, but all the reports are empty.
I also saw the report example (picture) on "Residence Usage" , but that only displays Room name and Hours.

The use of the report, is for doing manual invoicing to different departments (Sales/Managment/Tech) for the use of the meetingroom facilities.
That means i need a report containing Room Name, User (or maybe User Group?), Hours...

Any help appreciated!!


  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    You could ask your sales rep. He/she has some interest in generating sales, I hear.
  • kennethkkennethk Posts: 86
    So you heard? :)

    I got a report, and will get a demo next week as well.

    Just posted here, since the forum is sometimes faster then Amx!
    Not complaining, rather complement to "You guys"!
    But amx Tech. Uk. Won this time :)

    The Room Usage report did show what we needed!

    -Who booked the room
    -Room name(s)
    -Hours (for every room they have been booked for)

    And the time period is set up in parameters...
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