ICSLan Startup delay
in AMX Hardware
In the aftermath of the big storm, I've had several clients lose power long enough that battery backups have failed and the entire system needed to come up by itself from a cold start when power was restored. In all of my so-affected systems running on an Enova chassis with ICSLan devices, the ICSLan boxes did not come back online with the rest of the system.
In one case, resetting the power on the boxes did not bring them back online, and they weren't restored until I also rebooted the Enova. In the other case, I tried rebooting the Enova first, and the boxes did *not* come back until I also reset their power.
So, the question is, how can I set these things up so they will consistently come back online from an unattended cold start? I'm using remote access power centers, and I have the option to delay startups and stagger them, but I'm a bit at a loos what order to make them come on, and what kind of delay. I'm also not sure if the communications loss is a problem between the ICSLan boxes and the Enova, or a more basic problem with them connecting to the router. Can I stagger the startup times for a more consistent re-start, or is it as simple as giving them static IPs? Anyone have a clue? Last thing I need to be doing is run around between two states after a major storm so my client can watch the game.
In one case, resetting the power on the boxes did not bring them back online, and they weren't restored until I also rebooted the Enova. In the other case, I tried rebooting the Enova first, and the boxes did *not* come back until I also reset their power.
So, the question is, how can I set these things up so they will consistently come back online from an unattended cold start? I'm using remote access power centers, and I have the option to delay startups and stagger them, but I'm a bit at a loos what order to make them come on, and what kind of delay. I'm also not sure if the communications loss is a problem between the ICSLan boxes and the Enova, or a more basic problem with them connecting to the router. Can I stagger the startup times for a more consistent re-start, or is it as simple as giving them static IPs? Anyone have a clue? Last thing I need to be doing is run around between two states after a major storm so my client can watch the game.
How are you setting up the master connection on the DXLink boxes? NDP,UPD,TCP?
I go into each DXLink box and manually set them up for TCP/IP URL master connections because I don't know enough about NDP and therefore do not trust it.
This seconded, if you aren't already doing it. In my admittedly limited experience with the DXLink boxes thus far, they are much more reliable about reconnecting when set to TCP/IP with the master URL specified.