FDS 355 firmware updates are where?
I have just acquired a pair of FDS355s, one of which has a bad display but otherwise works correctly. Upon connecting Soundbench I get a warning that the firmware should be updated. When I search for it on the BSS site this seemingly tiny file has to be passed around under the table between users . Is this in fact the case? The forum topic that addressed this has been locked. Is there some dirty little secret here that I am unaware of? Is it possible to get the firmware update ?
If you can see the 334 in the network view, then drag it into the LA design window and it will have a green star above it. Then hit go online.
If you can't see it in the network view, then LA cannot com with the 334.
These are user groups and not a conduit for BSS tech support as stated in the the READ ME FIRST section.