Control Panels, IPAD, LA and SA
Trying to take a custom control panel that i made in LA and bring it to the IPAD.. Every time i try and copy and paste from the clipboard, SA wants to paste a momentary button instead of a fader or meter.. Is there a way to take the whole custom panel and transfer it over?? If not, Is a netbook the best way to give the customer access to the custom panel? Here is a pic of the panel. Thanks for help .
The panel has to be built from scratch in System Architect. It shouldn't take too long to re-create your custom panel.
A netbook or a tablet PC running LA are an alternative to the iPad. The iPad probably wins with regards to ease of use. The tablet PC would win with regards to functionality (and price).
for dinner
I agree, I just got mine and i feel the way too.
The panel has to be built from scratch in System Architect. It shouldn't take too long to re-create your custom panel.
A netbook or a tablet PC running LA are an alternative to the iPad.
thank thank