My vintage Crown dl2 distinction series stereo controller/ power module / eq2/2 of sa2/ eq2/ fm1 com

With B&W 801 speakers has n't been hooked up in years. I have the manuals but i am a visual learner and cant seem to figure it out.....too much information to absorb.
What I need is a diagram or picture of the back of the components to see what cables go where.
My brother used to listen to it all the time back in the 80's and I miss him since he has passed. I want to listen to it yo bring out the good memories.
What I need is a diagram or picture of the back of the components to see what cables go where.
My brother used to listen to it all the time back in the 80's and I miss him since he has passed. I want to listen to it yo bring out the good memories.
Hi Stansje...
See my comment to your DL2 query under the, "Amplifiers" heading; you have this double-listed.
Maybe there is a youtube video available or something like that?
Hi Jensen...
Good thought; I've been down that road too, also with success, but with 13 boards and 24 internal cables, the DL2 is extremely complex; that would be a daunting video. Stansje posted the same inquiry under two headings, and I addressed it in the, "Amplifiers" posting, but I have heard nothing since.
Oh, yeah, i see the issue... But good luck, hope you find a solution!
> Oh, yeah, i see the issue... But good luck, hope you find a solution!
Thank you!
Ever found a solution?
Hi Jensen...
Stansje has apparently made some progress on his. At the outset, if you read my other post, I wanted to ask him about the condition of his gear. I've restored a lot of older equipment and quite often, how something was cared for before and during storage, has a lot to do with how the device is re-energized and restored. I have two of these, both in excellent condition. The slide switches in mine were intermittent, and causing one or both channels to go out. I ended up literally taking them apart, drilling holes in the backs of them, then flushing with DeOxit. Worked perfectly, but it should not be undertaken by anyone lacking excellent manual dexterity, as the springs inside those are ~1/32" in diameter. If one gets away, good luck finding it.
Okay, glad you figured it out
> Hi Jensen...
> Stansje has apparently made some progress on his. At the outset, if you read my other post, I wanted to ask him about the condition of his gear. I've restored a lot of older equipment and quite often, how something was cared for before and during storage, has a lot to do with how the device is re-energized and restored. I have two of these, both in excellent condition. The slide switches in mine were intermittent, and causing one or both channels to go out. I ended up literally taking them apart, drilling holes in the backs of them, then flushing with DeOxit. Worked perfectly, but it should not be undertaken by anyone lacking excellent manual dexterity, as the springs inside those are ~1/32" in diameter. If one gets away, good luck finding it.
> Hifiguy
This is Stansje i want to update everyone ....first of all i am a female that knew nothing about this kind of stuff... just learning since i wanted to hook my Crown DL2 series stereo.
I lost my info and didnt know how to get back to this site. Just found it tonight with everyone's post.
I only have one of the SA2 amps hooked up to my B&W 801 speakers and the DL2 controller. My FM1 tuner is also connected to the controller. My Crown EQ2 is not hooked up not sure where the cables go for the other SA2 amp nor the crown equalizer. So its not yet all working together to get the best sound possible but i have been listening to it as is. This journey has had its hurdles but interesting and educational for sure!
Hi Stansje...
You have a lot going on for a person unfamiliar with pro-audio gear, but you are privileged to have the opportunity to enjoy some truly fine equipment. SA-2 amplifiers, like many others offered by Crown, can be used either in stereo, as you are presently, or in mono, where you would use one entire amp for each channel. To do this, you must first power down the system. Trust me: bad things can, and do, happen when playing with live audio. You will then connect the Main 1 Left Channel output of your DL2-C to whichever SA-2 amp you want to use for that channel; most folks have their Left channel gear on top. To make these connections you will need one of the two cables you're using now, which has an RCA male connector on one end and a 1/4-inch Tip-Sleeve connector on the other. The Tip-Sleeve connector looks like a headphone plug, only with two conductors instead of three. On the rear of the SA-2 you will find a switch labeled, "Mono-Stereo"; flip this to, "Mono". While you're back there, make sure the other two switches, "Low Freq. Protect" and, "Delay" are both on, which should be in the same direction as the, "Stereo-Mono" switch, to the right. On the front of the SA-2, ensure both output level knobs are turned down and the power switch is off.
Here's where you need to exercise special care: Speaker connections. Normally, in Stereo mode, speakers are connected to the Red and Black banana jacks / 5-way binding posts on the rear of the SA-2; when these amps are running in Mono mode, the speakers are connected differently. INSTEAD OF connecting the speaker as just noted, you will use ONLY the RED terminals from both channels. Only the RED. Connect the (+) terminal of your Left speaker to the RED terminal on the RIGHT, as viewed from the rear of the SA-2 amp. Connect the (-) terminal of your Left speaker to the RED terminal on the LEFT, as viewed from the rear of your amp. You're finished with Left Channel connections. Repeat the same things done above for the Right channel. When you power up the DL2-C later on, you will engage the "Main-1" output at the lower-right of the front panel; you have probably already done this. This should get both of your SA-2 amps connected. I think you said earlier that you have the manuals for your gear; the above setup is pictured in your SA-2 manual. Manuals for all this discontinued gear are available online at That's part of what I'm using to describe this to you.
Your DL2-C has provisions for two external signal processors; your EQ-2 is such a device. You will need two each, of two different kinds of audio cables to connect your EQ-2 to your DL2-C: (2x) cables with 1/4-inch Tip-Sleeve connectors on BOTH ends, and (2x) cables similar to what you used earlier, to hook up your SA-2 amps; a male RCA plug on one end and a 1/4-inch Tip-Sleeve connector on the other. At the rear of your EQ-2 are three sets of input-output jacks; get your pair of 1/4-inch, 'Tip-Sleeve to Tip-Sleeve' cables and plug one end of each cable into the LEFT and RIGHT UNBALANCED jacks, which should be the center set of the three. The two remaining loose ends get plugged into the rear of your DL2-C, into the jacks labeled, "EXT.(ERNAL) PROC.(ESSOR) 1" inputs at the bottom-rear. Ensure that you connect Left and Right channels properly or you'll have reversed channels somewhere down the road. Crown also used terms like, "Channel A" and, "Channel B"; you'll see these in use with your DL2-C. Channel A is Left, B is Right. While you're at the back of your DL2-C, get the other two cables and plug the male RCA connector of each cable into the corresponding, "EXT.(ERNAL) PROC.(ESSOR) 1" female RCA input jacks immediately above the outputs you just finished.
Ensure you have plugged all equipment into a suitable power source. Ideally, all your gear should be on good-quality surge protectors and on the same electrical circuit. If your gear is functional, everything is now connected, and your system should work. Turn on the DL2-C, FM-1, and both SA-2 amps; hold off on the EQ-2 for now. If things are working correctly, you should be hearing audio from both channels; adjust the SA-2 outputs as desired. For actual operation of your gear and explanations of the myriad controls, as well as maximum enjoyment of the sound quality, you should consult your printed manuals, or download electronic versions. If indeed you have sound from both channels, ensure the output level of your EQ-2 is down and turn on its power. On your DL2-C, depress the, "External Processor #1" switch which will place the EQ-2 into the signal path. Adjustments on the EQ-2 should be audible. Again, these are highly complex pieces of professional equipment, and were among the best available in their day. Your manuals will help you understand your controls.