Crown cdi1000
I turned on my crown CDI100 (hooked to 6 70v JBL pendant speakers) and the speakers are not playing any music but the amp it’s SELF is playing the music softley in a very electronic sounding way. I have never experienced this and can’t see anything wrong or that has changed. I am at a total loss for why this would be happening. Any help?
I'm experiencing the same issue. Did you get this resolved?
I would recommend a call to HARMAN Professional Tech Support: (844) 776-4899
Very odd... What you are hearing from the amp is resonances from the heatsinks.
If you remove the cover, you will find four heavy wires connecting to output speaker connector. If some wires are disconnected, then this is your issue. I have discovered several amps this way!
If the wires are connected, then I suggest investigating a possible short in the speaker network; Are you the using 70V (transformers) setting on your speakers?