16 ohm speakers with XLi-800?
Posts: 3
Can I use 16 ohm speakers with the XLi-800 in either stereo or bridged mode? I realize it will be at reduced power, but that's fine. I don't need that much power. Also, if yes, any idea what the 16 ohm power rating would be?
Thanks all.
P.S. Also, how about 32 ohm speakers? Thanks again.
At 16 ohms you'll have about half the power available at 8 ohms.
At 32 ohms, you'll have about half the power available at 16 ohms.
Rule of thumb : Use an amp with twice the power rating of the speaker cab at the same impedance rating.
Half of the available power is to power the cab at its rated power and the other half are for transitory excursions, headroom. A 150W cab at 4 ohms can use a 300W amp.