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CDi 1000 power switch

jhblrbjhblrb Posts: 2
edited June 2019 in Crown Amplifiers

I have a CDi 1000. The power switch will not lock on. Does the switch lock mechanically or electrically?


  • jhblrbjhblrb Posts: 2
    edited June 2019

    II see views, but no comments. So I think I should share more information. My amp will not stay on due to the switch not staying in the locked "on" position. So I don't know if that is caused by the on button itself or if there is an electrical path that has to be completed before it will stay on

  • HARMAN_RobHARMAN_Rob Posts: 231

    I understand the behavior you're describing, and recommend a quick call to Tech Support to see if they can help.

  • Reke4Reke4 Posts: 2
    Tengo un amplificador Crown CDI 1000 en la pantalla me sale loked y no me deja configurar nada
    Tendrá alguna solución
  • scytechscytech Posts: 148

    The problem is the switch. Get a replacement. Don't try to fix it! :)


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