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srx 800 presets

i've asked a hand full of people but figured i'd ask here too ...

this used to be the link on jbl website srx 812 ...

https://www.jbl.com/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-masterCatalog_Harman/default/dwd43fbf7d/pdfs/JBL_SRX812_SpecSheet_10 26 15.pdf

its been updated after i asked a few questions recently too no longer include xti amps

any chance or thoughts on releasing new tuning for comparative lines of speakers

from a customer perspective its not ideal, and I realize it has to do with processing power in the amps etc but the xti line has not really been updated in 5 years while still being pushed from an advertising angle as a midline solution just not congruent from a customer perspective … like HD = touring, XTI = portable, XLI = jrx etc etc. seems logical ...

lists xti and 360 specifically

now suspiciously its gone and only lists hd amps which is great but no one needs to power an $800 speaker with a $7000 amp ??

only has this: https://adn.harmanpro.com/site_elements/resources/20633_1576610337/JBL_SRX818S_SpecSheet_11_11_19_original.pdf

anyway thanks

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