Crown CE4000 no power on
I have a Crown CE4000 that had a Viper chip that exploded. I have replaced the Viper 100A, still no power on. I checked D1 and D2 and they checked ok. I am almost ready to perform an isolated AC test but wanted to ask if anyone had more insight where to concentrate if the issue isn't in the 127027-6 board.
I did notice the 120VAC is being delivered to the main board, perhaps a broken trace to the flybackboard, hmm?
Any help would be appreciated.
Verify PRIMARY switching devices; possible modulator buffers failure (no modulating signal to switchers). Possible switching device failure (short); Make sure that devices are in good shape before installing LVPS.
Also, possible failure of an interboard trace, for the Viper supply. Verify for bumps or heat symptom around LVPS main board connectors. Viper has to be operative for amp to power up! Verify for a trace leading from filter cap to LVPS board.
Last thing, refurbish output devices, replace thermal paste.