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Watts adjustment

I have 6 boxes JBL vertec vt4888
3 boxes in each side L&R

i used crown micro tech 5000i for hi as 6 Twitter's on channel 1 and the same on channel 2.

Micro tech 12000i for mid as 12 midrange on channel 1 and the same on channel 2.

Micro tech 12000i for 3 woofers on channel 1 and the same on channel 2 for ( R ) speakers.

Micro tech 12000i for 3 woofers on channel 1 and the same on channel 2 for ( L ) speakers.

Crossover dbx 4800 and I downloaded vertec vt4888 presets program adjustment as channel 2 for low channel 3 for mid channel 4 for hi and the same for channels 6,7,8.
Iam right or there's anything wrong???
Thanks for help 🥰😍


  • scytechscytech Posts: 148

    Do you report any issues? Seems ok at first glance. Careful with unbalanced sides!

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