Device DLL File Missing. Xti 4002 Amp.
I'm trying to connect my PC to my brand new amp. I am running Windows 10. Connected via USB. Running Band Manager 2.0. Also tried Audio Architect. I keep getting the error "Device DLL File missing!" - There was an error attempting to create a Crown Xti 2020. A DLL for this device may be missing. Check to download the latest DLL files.
I don't believe hiqnet is a valid url.
Things I've tried; uninstalled/reinstalled. Multiple times. Checked the event log. Saw the app was missing a folder "devices" with .deviceInfo files. Copied that folder from Audio Architect into Band Manager. I still get the DLL error. I tried copying in the DLL from Audio Architect which had a new timestamp, to no avail. I reformatted my laptop from Linux to Windows and tried using that device. Same error. I'm at a loss.
Having same problem with my 2002XTI. Any thoughts?
Try this new link, maybe it works? It did for me, so it might be they just changed it and forgot to update the documentation as well lol. Typical, so improvise, adapt, overcome
Good luck!
I'm running into this issue now with a brand new XTI 2002 from Amazon. What gives, the amp is pretty much useless to me without full control of the DSP functions it has. When will this be fixed and how? Should I return my amp to Amazon for refund?
Have you opened a ticket with Crown?
How anyone can find it funny using Microsoft for a control system is beyond a joke its 2024 and they still have not sorted missing DLL FILES
I spoke to a tech support rep at Harman in Europe. The issue seems to be the result of a new chip in the amplifier that the existing software cannot work with. The Harman people are supposedly working on a fix. For the time being, you need to use Audio Architect software. (I find it a bit complicated.)