CE2000 Flame Throwers
Hi everyone,
I used to use CE2000s in a fixed install applications in the early 2000s. We used to have problems that when the amps were powered up for the day, you would have an amp that would shoot sparks and flames out through the front grill and the amp would permanently go into protection. Back in the day, the Crown distributor here in Canada would sometimes repair the amps but most often they would replace the amps. I came across a few amps that I had in storage and we put them into a rack, wired them up and powered them on. Out of the three amps, two powered up fine and the third shot sparks out the grill. What I wanted to know, is from what I have heard, the amp looses the ground to the PCB and upon powering it up, the amp goes into oscillation. If this theory is correct, can you proactively add grounds to the PCB to prevent this from happening?