260 Freezing
My last show my drive rack kept freezing during sound check. It was displaying meter bridge failure. It did it like 3 times. I was networked with my lap top thru the serial port. I tightend the connections and it did not happen during the show (thank God). Have any one ever seen this? Can you tell me what to do to make it not happen again?
Brad Gibson
Capital A Productions
Brad Gibson
Capital A Productions
1. was there any audible change in the sound
2. was the problem associated with the display only
3. was the problem associated with the meters only
4. were there any problems with more than 1 of the above...if so which.
5. has there been any earlier \"anomalies\" in the sound or displays
The reason I ask is we have had reports of dispalys that freeze, but everything works fine audio wise, some of the problems have been with bad displays, bad contacts between the display and the board.. the ribbon cable that runs to the display has a history of problems...but it usually has no audible problems... this is mostly with the DRPA however..
Brad Gibson
You might also contact Tech support, its right strait up in the box under the picture... there is also a tech phone line. They might have some ideas... at ant rate they will help you get it up and running again. Please keep us informed so if this issue comes up again we can help someone else.
Brad Gibson
Brad Gibson