Installation and Configuration Help
Can any of you masterminds help with my configuration and installation? Im very new at this and need alot of help. Below is a list of what I'm using. What is the best configuration? What settings should I use? I was told I have to do a manual configuration, How? What settings? Do I need any other E.Q.s or Compressors?I need all the help I can get! Thank You
(2) B-52 MX 1515 (1 horn and 2 15s in each with built in crossovers)
(2) B-52 ACT-18 Subs (1 active 1 passive) These have a digital amp built in the active sub to run both and they have a built in crossover also
(2) CGM 12in Monitors
(2) QSC 1850HD Power amps
(1) Mackie 1604 VLZ Pro
(2) B-52 MX 1515 (1 horn and 2 15s in each with built in crossovers)
(2) B-52 ACT-18 Subs (1 active 1 passive) These have a digital amp built in the active sub to run both and they have a built in crossover also
(2) CGM 12in Monitors
(2) QSC 1850HD Power amps
(1) Mackie 1604 VLZ Pro
DRPA? this is what I will base this answer on..
Press the wizard button. you will be asked a number of questions
*NOTE*Its very helpfull to set the unit on a table and run through every menu, and just generally figure out what everyhting does... Get out the manual and go to page 38, and 39. these have the diagrams for the crossovers, which will show you how input and outputs are routed... and a block diagram that will help you understand signal flow..
1. enter system setup
2. Input setup, select stereo
3. Graphic EQ setup, selesct stereo (unless you wish to eq everything twice)
4. In each of the speaker and amp questions select 'custom'
5. We will be using a 2x3 crossover, (stereo tops with mono subs)
6. Load your new program
7. press the over button and set the crossover as follows..
Subs (left, mono, lo output)
HPF: BW 18 @ 45 hz
LPF: LR 24 @ 100-120 hz (start @ 120)
Tops (hi outputs)
HPF: LR 24 @ 120HZ ( or whatever frequency you chose for the sub to cross out)
LPF is not adjustable on DRPA it is said to be \"OUT\" which means the speakers will be limited only by their own frequency response.
This is youir basic setup. now follow the link above to the 'FORMER FORUM HOME' and read up in the \"tutorials\" section and then come back with any further questions..
make sure to 'save the config, and name it so you can recall it... note the red LED is on, indicating you need to store your'e settings before you turn the unit off.
Just got back into town and I will be trying this out today. Yes this was based on the DRPA. Sorry about that.
Thanks for the help!
Under select main PA do I select custom passive or Biamp?
Can I plug the Left high output from DRPA to channel 1 of one amp and Right high output from DRPA to another amp channel 1 or can I only use 1 amp for both R/L High Output from DRPA?
Under Sub PA section do I select custom stereo or custom mono?
Can I use stereo If I have the L/R Low outputs from DRPA going to the sub amp? Should it be mono?
Under the select amp mode am I selecting the High/ Mid/ Low custom mode?
I don't do anything with the auto EQ since I don't have an RTA mic, correct?
What to do in AFS Mode?
Is there a reson I can't use a 2x4 mode instead of 2X3 mode?
In 2X3 mode the horns and subs sound good. The 2 15s in each cab with the horns sound very low. Any specific reason why they aren't loud and clear like the horns and subs? Is it adjustable?
How do you know which frequency to set it to? Is it what the speakers are rated for?
Thank You so much and it's people like you who make all us newbys stay in this mess of mind boggle and like it!
Can I plug the Left high output from DRPA to channel 1 of one amp and Right high output from DRPA to another amp channel 1 or can I only use 1 amp for both R/L High Output from DRPA?
-you could do either, I'm not sure whay you are asking?-
Under Sub PA section do I select custom stereo or custom mono?
-custom mono-(if your speaking of the subwoofers)
Can I use stereo If I have the L/R Low outputs from DRPA going to the sub amp? Should it be mono?
-ok, one sub powers the other sub speaker correct? if this is the case what good will stereo subs do?-
Under the select amp mode am I selecting the High/ Mid/ Low custom mode?
-not sure what you are asking-
I don't do anything with the auto EQ since I don't have an RTA mic, correct?
What to do in AFS Mode?
-are you doing live sound, if so please describe-
Is there a reson I can't use a 2x4 mode instead of 2X3 mode?
-as I said above, if one sub powers the other (and I checked, they are mono interconnected. this means your subs are mono, so what good will stereo do?-
In 2X3 mode the horns and subs sound good. The 2 15s in each cab with the horns sound very low. Any specific reason why they aren't loud and clear like the horns and subs? Is it adjustable?
-not sure... if you are using the speakers internal crossovers (passive) then the info you are sending them is split up by the internal crossovers. This means that the only way to get more out of the mids is with the EQ's. Are you saying that the sound coming out of the speakers doesn't sound full? Did you set up the crossover as I specified? If its not set up right that could be the reason.-
How do you know which frequency to set it to? Is it what the speakers are rated for?
-I have been doing this forever, and I study livesound, its not easy to explain. no, thats not what they are rated for-
You have a rough road ahead, its obvious you have little knowledge of this stuff. You need to read all you can and get some background on these issues. May I offer these suggestions: ... forumid=24
this is the other site (old forum) and you should read all the tutorials there.
start with \"audio basics\"