Copying programs between different 260's
I have multiple amp racks, each with its own 260. They are multiple use racks, so I need to have 5 or 6 settings for different configurations in all of them. When I store \"save device\" and try to import it into another unit, all it stores is the current program. Under \"file>preferences\", \"When downloading I want...\", the \"configuration only\" selection is available, but the \"configuration & programs\" is not. I assume this is the problem. What can be done to help with this?
This is too basic a situation to not have a solution...yes?
This is too basic a situation to not have a solution...yes?
Your way works on a program-by-program basis, and I used that, but I still have to spend WAY too long loading them on one-by-one.
Any other ideas?
Another option for cloning 260's might be to use a midi utility that will allow you to record and playback midi sysex data, such as \"Dumpster\" or the like.
I'll experiment with my 260 and see how that works. Some such programs, many of which are free or shareware can be found at